Chapter 27

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We finally have the talk between Jesse and Rachel! Just wanna let you know stuff close to sexual assault will be happening so if you get triggered by this stuff or are sensitive to this topic I'd suggest just try to skip the chapter, but it's nothing to intense so you should be fine anyway on to the story!!!

Jesse was pacing in his room, this was the fifth time that Rachel had rejected his phone call and he was starting to get frantic. He was anxious to know what was going on, after his conversation with Quinn this morning he could tell that she was hiding something.

What was wrong with Rachel? Why wasn’t she answering his calls? What the fuck was she doing with Finn last night?

All these thoughts and none of them were being answered, if only Rachel had just picked up her damn phone he wouldn’t have been going so damn crazy!

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts and he told them to come in. When he turned to see who it was he was surprised and relieved at the same time to see Rachel walk through the door.

“Hey.” She whispered as she closed the door slightly behind her, but not all the way.

“Rachel! I’ve been calling you, what happened?” He asked frantically.

“Can we talk?” Rachel said walking over to him and she gestured for him to sit.

“No I want to stand, answer my question Rachel.”

“Jesse… I don’t know how to say this…”

“Say what Rachel?”

“Jesse, these past two years have been amazing. There was a point in my life that I thought that I couldn’t be happy again, but you proved me wrong. You were the perfect boyfriend in so many ways…”

Jesse knew where this was going and he was relieved. He was right, Rachel had come to her senses, she loved him and she wanted to be with him forever.

“I really cherish every moment we’ve had with each other, I honestly do. But Jesse, I can never love you, I never was in love with you. I’ve had feelings for you, strong ones, but it was never love.”

Jesse snapped his head at her in surprise.


“Jesse I’m sorry, I truly am but I don’t think this between us is going to work.” Rachel said. Her heart was beating fast and she didn’t know why but she had a feeling that things were about to go really badly.

“Rachel you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re mistaken, you love me I know it.”

“Jesse I’m sorry, please don’t make this any harder than it is.”

“Is it because of him!? What did that bastard tell you?! None of its true Rachel! None of it’s fucking true! He can never love you like I can! He will never be able to give you all the things I can!”

Rachel looked at him in surprise.

“Jesse who are you talking about?”

“Don’t fucking act dumb with me Rachel! Finn! I’m talking about Finn!” Rachel's eyes widened.

“How do you know about that Jesse? I never told you anything about that.”

“It doesn’t matter how I know Rachel. He’s not the right one for you Rachel! He’s not the right one. I didn’t work so hard to have this end up no where! I didn’t do everything I did to have you run back into his arms! He’s trash Rachel! You love me damn it! You love me!” He screamed walking slowly towards her. Rachel started getting scared and slowly starting backing away.

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