Chapter 26

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“Your father was involved in it too.” Rachel stared up at him, but in a way she wasn’t shocked, not as shocked as Finn was when he found out about his mother.

“Are you sure?” She asked.

“That’s what my mom said. I’m sorry Rachel.” Rachel sighed and closed her eyes.

“Guess I do kind of know what you’re going through. Just not to the degree you feel it.”

“Rachel, there’s no excuse for what either one of our parents did.”

“No there isn’t, but no one else can call Hiram Berry their parent.”


“No Finn, it’s ok. I’m going to talk to him. I’m 18 now, he has no say in what I do.”

“I’m here, you know.” He said grabbing her hand.

“I know you are, and if you still want to talk about what happened back there with your mother I’m open ears Finn.”

“There’s not much to talk about Rachel. My mother betrayed me, she lied to me constantly, she saw the pain I went through without you and she just sat back and watched it happen. I don’t want to associate with someone like that, in my eyes she’s no better than my father. I love her, but Rachel she hurt me too much and I just never want to see her again.”

“I understand Finn, and I’m here ok, I know I’ve said it like a million times but I’m here whenever you need me.”

“You know what amazes me about you? That after all the trauma you go through, you still manage to love me. You just found out that your parents was involved but here you are dealing with me and my problems.”

“It’s no different than what you’re doing Finn. You’re just as amazing.”

“Guess we’re two of a kind huh?”

“Yep, we’re two of a kind that’s destined to be together.”

“I couldn’t be happier that we are Rachel Berry ”

He leaned in gave her a sweet and passionate kiss. They pulled back panting and more in love.

“I’ll never get tired of your kisses.” Rachel said with her eyes closed.


“So I guess it’s my time to go to my father, huh?”

“We can do it later if you’re not feeling up to it.”

“No I want to get this over with now.” Finn nodded his head and Rachel gave him one more kiss before starting her car and heading off in the direction of her house.

“I think I should do this alone. You can take my car back to breadsticks if you want, I’ll call you or something to pick me back up later.” Rachel suggested.

“Are you sure?” Finn asked. Rachel nodded her head.

“Yeah.” He nodded and they both got out of the car. Before Rachel walked into her house they shared a kiss. When they pulled apart he leaned his forehead against hers and stroked her hair.

“No matter what happens, I love you.” Rachel smiled and leaned in to give him a kiss.

“I love you too.” He smiled and gave her one last kiss before walking over the driver side of the car and driving off. Rachel watched after him and when she was sure he was gone she walked into her house.

She found her father arguing with the maid about something in the den.

“daddy.” Rachel stated. Hiram turned around when he heard his daughter’s voice.

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