Chapter 7

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November 15th 2017

It had been 4 months since Finn and Rachel shared their first date, and it had been 6 months filled with many dates after it. As Quinn predicted their relationship did get serious, too serious at that.

Finn and Rachel just had so much in common, and their feelings for each other grew stronger every day. Finn was right when he predicted that he would fall for her, and even though neither had yet to say the special 3 words, they both know they were feeling it.

But Rachel had something she needed to do, and just as she promised Quinn, she was meeting Finn for Quinn, and not for her. She just hoped Finn wouldn’t be mad at her for keeping it from him so long.

Rachel waited in front of Finn's front door after she rang the door bell. Although Rachel had met Finn's mother, Rachel explained to Finn why it wouldn’t be a good idea for her parents to meet Finn.

Finn understood, but was still a little hurt, he felt that Rachel was ashamed of him, but Rachel quickly corrected him, and said that she was anything but ashamed of him, but that she knew if she told her parents of their relationship, it would end quicker than it had started. Finn then of course supported her decision, but that didn’t stop him from introducing her to his mom. They seemed to get along too, which was a plus for him.

“Hi Rachel, how are you?” Lauren said opening the door to find her son’s girlfriend.

“I’m good Mrs. Walker, how are you?” Rachel asked politely.

“Good, you know here and there. Come in, come in.” Lauren said moving aside for Rachel to enter. Rachel smiled her thanks.

“Is Finn home?” Rachel asked looking towards his room.

“Just in his room. Go on, I know you don’t want to spend it with a boring old lady like me.” Lauren joked.

“Oh no, I don’t think that about you at all,” Rachel protested, she didn’t want Finn's mother to think negative things about her.

“Oh honey, I was just joking. Go on, Finn is probably expecting you.” Rachel smiled and walked towards Finn's room, leaving Lauren to laugh at Rachel's cuteness.

“Hey.” Rachel said knocking lightly on the opened door. Finn looked up from his desk, where he was currently doing homework.

“Hey.” Finn said walking over to her, giving her a kiss.

“What’s up? I thought we were meeting up tonight.” Finn said closing the door behind Rachel.

“Umm yeah, we are, but there’s something I have to talk to you about first.” Rachel said tucking her hair behind her ear before sitting down on the bed.

“Ok what is it?” Finn asked sitting down next to her.

“I just want to let you know before I say it, I hid this from you for so long because, well because I was asked to keep it from you, until a specific time, and that time is now, so that’s why I’m going to tell you this now.” Finn looked at her, he was anxious as to what it was and he was hoping it wasn’t something bad.

“Rach, just tell me.”

“Ok, I know you never told me about your father, and the only thing you ever said was that he was never in the picture. The truth is I know more than you think, that’s why I never pushed you to open up to me about it.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Finn, the Hudson's are really close to my parents.” Finn opened his eyes wide.

“So you knew this whole time and didn’t say anything to me! What! Rachel, why would you keep it from me? Did you know who I was that day at the park we met too, is that the whole reason why you went out with me?” Finn got up off the bed and started pacing; he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

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