Chapter 14

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In the middle of writing a letter to Finn, Rachel was interrupted by a knock on the door. She jumped up, and rushed to get all the letters together.

“One second!” Rachel yelled, luckily she had locked the door. She jumped off her bed, and placed the letters in a box, and then placed the box carefully in a drawer, just for the moment however, later she would hide them in their proper place.

Rachel ran to the door, and straightened herself out before opening the door. When she did, she opened the door wide and fast, only to find a waiting Jesse.

“Jesse!” Rachel exclaimed, out of breath, and a little shocked.

“Hey, our parents are gathering downstairs for something, and my parents decided to make me tag along. Is it ok if I hang out with you for a while?” Jesse asked. Rachel looked at him in shock; the two of them, hanging out, in her bedroom, alone?

Come to think of it she had never really been alone with Jesse for more than 2 minutes, since probably of the age of 7. It was a little awkward, but of course she didn’t want to be rude.

“Umm…yeah, sure, come in.” She said politely as she moved aside to let him in.

“Thanks.” He said walking in.

“Umm…Quinn didn’t come?” Rachel asked curiously.

“Nah, she’s out with Puck. It kind of sucks now, she had to choose him as her boyfriend, I barley see him these days.” Jesse said rolling his eyes. He moved to sit down on her bed. When his parents had asked him to come along, of course he had agreed, knowing that Quinn was out; he knew it was finally time that he and Rachel could be alone together. It was the perfect opportunity for the two of them to get to know each other a bit better.

“Oh my god!” Rachel exclaimed. Jesse looked at her like she was crazy.

“What?” He asked looking around the room to see if anything was out of the ordinary.

“That’s what I forgot! I was supposed to be ready by now, because they were supposed to come and pick me up to go with them. I can’t believe I forgot! They’re going to be here any minute and I haven’t even showered yet.” Rachel said galloping around her room to gather her things.

“Oh.” Jesse said silently cursing his sister. Normal teenagers like to have alone time with their boyfriends or girlfriends, not have a friend tag along, but of course he had to have a dumb ass for a sister, and she didn’t know any better.

“I’m so sorry Jesse, I completely forgot.” Rachel said gathering her robe, towel, and fresh pair of clothes.

Jesse waved it off. “It’s no problem.” He’ll get his opportunity eventually.

“You can watch T.V or something if you want.” Rachel suggested as she grabbed all her things together.

“Um, actually can I go on your computer?” He asked. If he was going to be doing nothing, he might as well check up on some things online.

“Yeah, sure.” Rachel said giving him a smile before disappearing into the bathroom.


“Hey Finn.” Marley said walking into the boy’s room. Finn looked up from his books, he was currently studying up on something when Marley had made her presence in the room.

“Hey what’s up?” He asked as Marley took a seat on the bed.

“Nothing, I just finished writing a letter to Jake, and kind of just wanted not to be alone.” She said giving him a soft smile.

“Yeah, I understand, when I write to Rachel, I just want to keep myself busy after I’m done, because it just makes me hit reality that I’m not really talking to her in person, and I can’t just reach over and hug her, I’m just talking to her through a letter, and once it’s done, it’s the end.” Finn said relating to Marley's feelings.

“Exactly.” They both nodded in agreement; their thoughts drifting off to their significant other.

“So, I heard John got deployed into Iraq yesterday.” Marley said changing the subject.

“I heard too, he’s only been here for a couple months longer than us, it’s kind of alarming that it can happen to any one of us.” Finn said shivering at the thought of going into Iraq, he could just picture Rachel, and his mother worrying and crying. It was something he didn’t want either of them to do.

“Yeah, well can’t think of it like that. Come on, let’s get drunk.” Marley said getting up, ready to head to another guy’s room that was older than the two; someone who had a whole mess of alcohol.

“I really got to look up things on this computer engineering book Marley.” Finn said, as fun as it sounded, he really needed to learn some of the things in the book.

“Oh come on, live it up a little Finn. It was like you said, we can get sent to Iraq any minute now, might as well live it up before we have to experience it.” Finn sighed, she was right.

“Ok, but only for a little bit.” He said closing the book before heading out with Marley.


As Jesse surfed through the net, his thoughts overwhelmed him. He couldn’t believe how unbelievably unlucky he was with Rachel. I mean everyone knew they were supposed to be together, their parents were all connected, and they were the oldest of friends.

The two of them had grown up together; his sister was her best friend. Their families would eat dinner together every Friday; he was even there on the eve of her birth. What more could she need to see that they were truly meant to be? All the evidence was overwhelming, and it wasn’t like he wasn’t good looking, he was extremely good looking, all the girls in school wanted him, but none of them were good enough for him, not like Rachel.

She was beautiful, smart, and their families were both marvelously wealthy. She was the perfect girl for him; he just was getting impatient waiting for her to notice it as well.

He sighed, thoughts of Rachel resisting crowding his mind. He pushed away from the computer desk and looked around the room, to maybe find something that could help the two connect.

He looked to the left and noticed a very small creak to an opened drawer. He could see something shiny through the little space, so curiosity took over. He looked over at Rachel's bathroom door and still heard that the shower was running so he reached over and pulled the drawer open.

He noticed a shiny silver box. He lifted it up from the drawer and placed it on his lap. He noticed that there was a lock on the box, but Rachel must have forgotten to lock it because it was open. Knowing that there must have been something secretive about it he opened it. Inside were several letters.

He picked one up and unfolded it. He started reading it. He couldn’t believe it; Rachel had a boyfriend, one that no one knew about, one that was in the army. What the hell was going on? This guy was asking about Quinn. Had his own sister known about this and not even told him? Why was Rachel being so secretive? All these questions and no answers. He didn’t understand. He was bewildered as he read on.

Then it was the end, the one thing that shocked him the most was the signature at the end.

Love Always,

‘No, it couldn’t be.’ He thought to himself. He shifted through the letters to see if he could find an envelope in which the letter had came with. At the end of the letter of the pile there were the envelopes. He grabbed one and turned it over.

It was as he feared. The returning address name was Finn Walker. His half-brother.

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