Chapter 15

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“Christina how many times do I have to tell you to keep the house at exactly 70 degrees? It’s freezing in here! Honestly do we not pay you enough, because if so I’m sure there could be someone else to do your job!” Hiram scolded at the maid before he stormed off in a fury muttering about worthless house maids.

The doorbell rang bringing Hiram out of his rage. Christina, the maid, rushed to get it but instead Hiram stopped her.

“Christina, I will get the door, now as I suggested that you fix the damn temperature in this house, I wouldn’t want my guest leaving with frost bite!” He demanded in a harsh tone. Christina scurried off to do her job. Hiram shook his head.

He didn’t know who it could be since He wasn’t expecting any guests, but it was the Berry household, it could have been anyone.

He opened the door wide to find his best friend’s son. He smiled wide.

“Jesse! How are you? Are you here with your mother?” He asked looking behind his shoulder to see if he could get a glimpse of Carol.

“Actually no, I came alone.” Jesse said. Hiram moved aside to let him in, and he waited patiently as he shut the huge front door. Once he completed his task he turned to face him, with a big smile on his face.

“Are you here to see Rachel?” He asked hoping that his daughter had finally opened up his eyes, and noticed what a handsome and perfect boy Jesse was for her.

“Actually I was here to see you. Do you mind if I speak with you Mr. Berry?” Hiram looked at him skeptically. But he accepted of course.

“Absolutely come into the conservatory.” Hiram said leading him to the family gathering room, pondering as to what he could say.


“Hey Finn what’s up?” Blaine said walking into the room he shared with Finn. Finn who was currently lying on his back was just staring at the ceiling thinking about Rachel.

Finn sighed. “Do you ever feel like you made a mistake coming here?” Finn asked Blaine. Blaine sighed and sat down on his bed.

“Every day.” He admitted. Finn got up and faced Blaine.

“Then why did we do it Blaine? Why did we risk everything, to come here, why did we leave the People we loved, why did we leave our families?” Finn asked the questions that ran through his head nearly every second, the questions that he couldn’t answer himself, and he prayed that Blaine could answer him for some peace of mind.

“I wish I knew the answer Finn, I ask myself the same question every day. But you know you have to do what you have to do to get where you want to be you know. Life is a bunch of obstacles and this is just one of them so we just have to look to it and live it up to the fullest, god may not have blessed us with all the money in the world, but he did allow us to have this opportunity so why not take advantage of it right?” Finn nodded. Everything Blaine had said was exactly right.

“You’re right man. But it’s just so damn hard sometimes, not being able to see Rachel's face, to talk to her on the phone, or not to go outside the door and find my mom waiting for me in the kitchen with breakfast and my lunch in a paper bag. This shit is real, and there’s just times I want to break free you know.” Blaine shook his head.

“Trust me Finn, I know. I know.” They both sighed. Things were rough, but that was the point of life, you couldn’t just wait for things to happen, life wasn’t about luck, it was about getting your shit together, and learning to do things on your own, and working hard at the process, that’s the only real way to achieve greatness.

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