Chapter 22

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"Jesse, what was wrong with you back there?" Rachel asked once Jesse had sped off in his Z3 BMW, away from Breadsticks.

"Rachel, it's just, that guy..." Jesse didn't know how to play it off. He had too many thoughts running through his mind, and he didn't know how to approach the situation. This was not supposed to happen, it had been 2 and a half years, and it was supposed to be all over and done with.

"What do you have against Finn Jesse? How do you even know him?" She pestered on.

Jesse tried his best to keep his cool, and tried to get through a good approach. He knew Rachel knew that Finn was his brother, but he wondered if she knew that he knew that Finn was his brother. He also wondered what the hell had happened in Breadsticks, and how much they had got to talking.

"Well..." Rachel pressed.

"Look, I don't know if Quinn ever told you about anything, but my dad had an affair, before me or Quinn was born. Finn was the result of the affair. Technically Finn is my half brother, but no one knew about it because my dad didn't want it to get out."

Rachel sighed, feeling bad that she already knew all that, but that wasn't even the situation. Finn was so much more than Jesse's half brother, he wasn't a mistake, in fact he was heaven sent. He was the love of her life; he was the man who owned her heart.

Rachel closed her eyes, contemplating whether she should tell him the truth about knowing that Finn was related to him, or play it off like a surprise.

“Well I knew you had a brother, Quinn told me a long time ago, but I didn’t know who he was.” Rachel lied. She couldn’t tell him the truth.

Jesse looked at her, and even though he knew she was lying, he decided not to press it for his own lies could be caught in the process.

“Look, I just don’t want you hanging out with the guy anymore ok?” Rachel looked at him with shock and confusion.

“Excuse me?”

“I said I don’t want you near him anymore. He’s bad news Rachel.”

“Jesse you don’t even know him, why are you so quick to judge him? I’m sorry Jesse , just because he’s your half brother, and your father made a mistake doesn’t mean that everyone should blame him for what happened. He had no way in preventing anything, so I don’t see why you’re so against me hanging out with him. He did nothing to you.”

Jesse was fuming inside. He could hear the words from Rachel, but it was her tone that set him off, it was like she was still in love with him.

“HE PUNCHED ME RACHEL!” He bit out. Rachel jumped at his tone. She’d seen him angry, but he’s never raised his voice with her. She wondered why Finn had such an effect on him.

“Jesse, he’s been in the army with Blaine.”

“He punched me back when I was 11, one day at the park. He’s nearly two years older than me, and he punched me, what does that say about his character?” Rachel rolled her eyes and picked at her nails.

“Well you must have done something to provoke him.” Jesse was seething with anger that he lost control of the car and swerved onto the other lane almost hitting another car, before re-emerging with the right lane.

“JESSE WATCH OUT!” Rachel screamed. She didn’t know what had gotten into him, and she clutched her heart as she almost gotten into a horrific accident.

“What’s wrong with you!?” She cried.

“Well if you didn’t get me so damn pissed!”

“I didn’t say anything!”

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