Chapter 24

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Finn turned to look at Rachel and he couldn’t help but smile. Despite everything he had just learned, despite all the sting of betrayal and hurt he felt from his mother, Rachel still managed to make him smile. It made him realize that the only thing he needed was Rachel.

Rachel shifted her gaze from the road, as she drove, to Finn and found him smiling at her. Rachel smiled back. For once her heart felt whole again, and it felt like things were actually going to be ok again.

Despite her choice to be with Finn, she felt bad for Jesse. What was she supposed to tell him? After they way he had reacted about Finn earlier, how would he react if she told him that she couldn’t be with him anymore because she belonged with Finn?

Rachel sighed and decided not to worry about it at that exact moment. Right now she needed to concentrate on Finn. She knew he was hurting because of his mother. Rachel couldn’t understand why in the world Lauren Walker would do this to the two of them. Rachel was never anything but nice to her, and she never did anything wrong. From what she knew of Lauren she seemed like she loved her son very much, what could have possessed her to do such a thing?

Well whatever it was, Rachel vowed to herself that she would help Finn get through it. It made her heart warm just knowing that she would never have to be alone ever again. It made her happy knowing that she would never have to be apart from Finn ever again. No matter what faced them, she wasn’t going to let Finn go, the only way to make her part from Finn again would be by killing her, and even then her soul would still remain with him.

“Rachel do you mind if I borrow your phone real quick? Mine lost its batteries.” Finn said. Rachel nodded her head.

“Sure go ahead, it’s in my purse.” Finn smiled his thanks and rummaged through her purse. Just as he went to grab her phone, a small crumbled old photo fell from his hands. He bent down and picked it up from next to his feet, and when he went to look at it his heart stopped as he realized it was a picture of him from his graduation.

Rachel turned to look at him and saw the picture in his hand. She smiled, she always carried around that letter, and a picture of him every where she went. He was always in her heart, and everything that they shared, she never wanted to forget it.

“I take it with me everywhere, just like the letter. I never wanted to forget, no matter how much it hurt.” Rachel admitted. Finn's heart melted and he reached out and laced his fingers through hers. He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it softly.

“God you have no idea how much I love you.” Finn said. Rachel smiled.

“I think I might have somewhat of an idea.” Finn laughed and placed the photograph back in her purse before grabbing her phone. His heart pounded fast as he dialed the numbers he didn’t want to be dialing.

”Hello.” Finn closed his eyes to stop the tears from rushing down his face. It stung to hear her voice.

“Mom.” Finn stated. Rachel looked over at him and saw that he was fighting with himself to stay strong. She squeezed his hand lightly to let him know that she was there. Finn looked over at her and she gave him a wink, and quickly all his fears went away.

Oh Finn, baby I was getting worried about you, when you didn’t call. Did you make it there safe?” Finn couldn’t understand if his mother even really cares about him? How did she make it seem like she did when all she did was put him through hell.

“Mom, I need you to book a ticket out here.” Finn stated ignoring her question.

”Why baby? What’s wrong? What happened?” The panic was evident in her tone and it finally had hit Finn, and the reality of what his mother had done had finally surfaced, and it hurt like hell.

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