Chapter 19

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February 2020
1 year later

"Hey baby." Jesse said as he came up from behind her as she was seated at their regular lunch table. Jesse was now 18 in his senior year as Rachel had just turned 17 a week earlier and was now in her junior year.

Rachel was eating lunch as she studied for an exam coming up. Once she heard Jesse's voice she looked up and smiled.

"Hey." She said turning her head around as he bent down to give her a quick kiss on the lips before sitting down next to her.

"Where are Puck and Quinn?" Rachel asked wondering why they hadn't showed up with Jesse as they normally do.

Jesse shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea, and I think I want to keep it that way." Rachel smiled knowing exactly what he meant; Puck and Quinn have frequently been visiting the Supply Room lately.

"So what are you going to do this weekend, because I thought we could just hang out at my house the whole day since my parents are going to be in Los Angeles with your parents." Jesse suggested.

"I have to study." Rachel said focusing her attention back on her studying.

"Baby, you have been studying non-stop the whole week, you need a break." Jesse said closing her books and wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.

Rachel sighed, she was exhausted from studying, and she knew she had been neglecting Jesse lately but she just wanted to pass her exams.

After that night Jesse kissed her, they had started dating, and a couple weeks later they had officially became a couple. Rachel enjoyed being in his company, he lifted off all the drama of her life off her shoulders, and he made her feel like she belonged again.

She didn't love him, she would never love someone like she loved Finn, but she did have feelings for Jesse. He was handsome, her parents loved him, his family loved her, they had a lot in common, and he made her happy. He treated her like a queen, and no seventeen year old girl would want to turn that down.

"I know, but I just want to do well on these tests." Jesse kissed her on her forehead.

"Baby, studying won't make you any smarter than you already are, you’ll ace them with ease.” He assured her. Rachel smiled and leaned into his embrace.

“Ok, we can hang out, but just for Saturday, I’m studying all day Sunday.” Rachel compromised. Jesse laughed but agreed.

“Ok deal.” He said before turning his head and capturing her lips and kissing her passionately.


“Hey Finn!” Finn turned his gaze away from the computer and looked back to find Christina Smith. She was a pretty blonde, from Arizona, and the minute Finn got to Korea Christina immediately took a liking to him.

As for Finn, he tried to get his mind off Rachel but it wasn’t that easy. He couldn’t fully commit to any type of relationship with a girl, but that didn’t stop him from having meaningless sex. That’s exactly what he had with Christina, just sex, but of course she wanted more.

“Christina.” Finn commented before turning his attention back to the computer.

“So are we still on for tonight?” She asked enthusiastically.

“Yeah whatever.” Finn said without taking his attention off the computer. Christina sighed, everyday she wished that Finn would at least give an ounce of attention to her that had to deal with the two actually being in a relationship. She had fun with him sure, he was great in bed, but she wanted more. You couldn’t find guys like Finn Walker everywhere; he was great, dedicated, and drop dead gorgeous. He was the perfect guy. She just wished he would realize that she was the perfect girl for him.

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