Chapter 29

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1 month later

It took a while before Finn and Rachel could get back on course with their lives together but they didn’t stop at any cost.

After the incident with Jesse, Rachel and Finn vowed that that was the last fork in the road for them and after that nothing would come between them and luckily nothing did.

Jesse was facilitated in a highly prominent mental asylum where his parents sent him against his will.

He argued that he was over 18 and didn’t need to listen to them but Christopher threatened to cut off his trust fund and any ties to the family so he reluctantly agreed.

Finn and Rachel haven’t seen Jesse since that day and they couldn’t be happier that they hadn’t.

Finn had one more chat with his mother when she had came barging into breadsticks begging for Finn's forgiveness. Finn dismissed her immediately while adding how he felt on the situation with Lauren refusing Christopher's money. She cried that she thought it was what was best for him, and Finn retorted that Lauren seemed to think a lot of things were best for him when all in all they were the densest thoughts in the world.

As for Hiram Berry, well Christopher had quite a chat with Leroy Berry who openly threatened to make Hiram's  life a living hell if he did anything to jeopardize his daughter’s happiness. Leroy, unlike Hiram, couldn’t be happier that his daughter had fallen in love with a man, who in his eyes, was noble and courteous. It didn’t matter much where Finn had grew up, or who his mother was, in his eyes he was very much an Hudson as Christopher was, and even if he wouldn’t have been born an Hudson, he would have been satisfied with having him in his daughter’s life as long as he made her happy, which he certainly did.

Much to Hiram's dismay, he sat back and was forced to accept everything and for once in his life he didn’t have any control in any matter and it made Rachel jump for joy.

Now it was time for Kurt and Blaine's wedding and Rachel and Quinn sat by Kurt side in the suite as Kurt panicked.

“Are you really sure I’m ready for this? I mean what if I’m not ready for this? What if I freeze at the altar and then Blaine starts hating me! Oh god, what if Blaine hates me?” Kurt rambled as he panicked.

Rachel and Quinn couldn’t help but smile at Kurt's distraught appearance. Here he was, in the most amazing white suit, looking absolutely amazing, and about to marry the man who was hopelessly in love with him, and he was worrying about Blaine hating him.

“Honey if Blaine hated you I doubt he would have asked you to marry him in the first place.” Quinn reassured.

“Yeah but that was before! What if he hates me now?! I mean what if he takes one look at me when I’m walking down that altar and realizes that I’m all wrong for him and rethinks his decision?” He said as he hyperventilated.

“Ok Kurt, breathe. Now listen to me, Blaine is utterly and completely in love with you. You two have been through thick and thin and I know for a fact that there is nothing he wants more in this world than to marry you. You two have been together for so long and if that doesn’t prove to you that this thing between the two of you is going to last than think about the way Blaine looks at you, because there is no way in hell you can mistake that glow in his eye every time he looks at you for anything else other than love.” Rachel said encouragingly.

Kurt smiled.

“You’re right. Thanks Rachel.”

“Of course, I am after all your maid of honor, my job is to deal with you and your tantrums.”

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