Blood Feathers

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Based on Satan's Castle Video (dialogue in italicize at the end of the video):

"Back to the back scratch... Oh my god! It doesn't hurt anymore, but like-." (C)

"It doesn't?" (S)

"Nah." (C)

"Yeah, when we get down to like a gas station, we got to like check that out"  (S)

WARNING(s): language

Word Count: 1,025


The sun was slowly setting behind them as the two YouTubers made their way down the road off the mountain. The light had ignited the sky into a rainbow of colors earlier, but now everything was turning a dull purple as the sun disappeared behind the horizon. The blonde male held the camera up toward the side mirror on his side of the car, making sure that he got both him and the driver in the camera's frame. The pair spoke of their experience at Satan's Castle and it still had their hearts racing.

"Back to the back scratch," the driver, Colby Brock, groaned, "Oh my god!" and then added to reassure his boyfriend, "It doesn't hurt anymore, but like-."

"It doesn't?" the blonde asked, giving Colby a worried look.

"Nah," Colby replied to Sam Golbach with a shake of his head.

"Yeah, when we get down to like a gas station," Sam narrated to the camera, "We got to like check that out."

Even despite Colby's assurance that he was fine and the scratches that appeared on his back while they were leaving Satan's Castle where nothing, Sam was still concerned for his boyfriend. He wouldn't rest or stop pestering Colby till Sam looked over those scratches inch by inch and saw for himself that Colby would be fine. It wasn't like Colby minded, for it gave Colby a chance to take his shirt off in front of his boyfriend without a camera near by, but Colby enjoyed the attention he got from Sam during those moments.

Colby, though, was slightly surprised at the words that came from Sam's mouth. Surely the fans would notice what he just said and their precious secret would be revealed! But, the brunette kept his cool, refusing to even give one nervous eye to Sam.

Shortly after, Sam concluded the video with a little plugin about their merch and the camera was off, leaving the two in a comfortable silence. For Colby, when the camera came on, it felt like there was another person with them and he had to act a certain way, but when the camera was off, Colby's true personality came out. He could be whomever he wanted without little care.

"Where's the next gas station?" Sam chimed in a few seconds after the camera turned off.

Colby peered ahead down the road, sapphire eyes landing on the bright neon sign of a gas station, "Here."

"Good," Sam gave a sigh of relief.

The brunette looked at his boyfriend, "I'm okay, Sam, seriously."

Sam was silent and, instead, reached over and grabbed Colby's right hand from the steering wheel. He held it tightly in his grasp as they rested their hands on the center counsel of Colby's car. The blonde's thumb caressed the skin between Colby's thumb and pointer finger softly.

The brunette turned into the parking lot of the gas station, finding a spot farthest away from the building and people, trying to give them both so privacy. As soon as Colby parked and turned off the ignition, Sam let go of Colby's hand and grasped the hem of Colby's shirt.

"Woah!" Colby chuckled, "Little enthusiastic are we?"

Colby turned his back to the blonde, allowing Sam to pull the shirt up over Colby's head.

"Shut up, Colby," Sam replied in a teasing voice.

The blonde reached for the plastic light on the car's roof and pushed it. A soft white light glowed softly down over the pair. Sam's blue eyes traced the scratches on Colby's back. Fingers soon followed after. Then, a hiss of pain from Colby as Sam gently touched one of the many scratches.

"Fuck!" Colby cried out.

"Liar," Sam purred, "You should have told me it was bothering you. We would have left right away."

"We had to do the end scene," Colby reasoned.

Sam's fingers continued up Colby's back, skimming the bumps being formed by the scratches as Colby's body tried to heal them. Blood smeared slightly as Sam brushed over certain spots causing the crimson to smear into a fan across Colby's skin. It made Colby's back look like it was covered in small feathers. Feathers made of blood, Sam thought to himself.

"You're bleeding too, Colby," Sam scolded him in such a boyfriend tone that it made Colby laugh.

"Nothing that a hot shower and a Band Aid and a kiss from you won't fix."

Sam smiled softly at his words and let go of Colby's shirt, watching the blood feathers disappear from his view. Colby turned around in his seat to look at his boyfriend; his sapphire eyes soft and gentle as they took in Sam's face in the light of their car and the gas station's blinding lights behind their car. Sam tore his gaze away from Colby's and reached out to grasp the brunette's hand in his own again.

"I just want you to be safe."

Colby raised their hands and bent Sam's hand toward his face. Gentle lips were pressed to Sam's skin and those sapphire eyes that Sam so loved closed. Sam shut his eyes too, listening to the sound of their breathing and the traffic outside and just feeling Colby holding his hand and giving his knuckles soft kisses of affection.

"I know," Colby replied at last, taking a moment from kissing Sam's hand to say those two words.

Then Colby stopped his attention on Sam's hand, but continued to hold it. Sam opened his eyes, his gaze connecting with Sam's. His boyfriend gave a soft smile and Sam reciprocated it.

"Let's go home," Colby said, letting go of Sam's hand and putting the key in the ignition of his car.

"Let's go home," Sam echoed.

Reaching up for the light on the roof of Colby's car, Sam turned it off, dousing the pair in darkness.

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