Sun Tease [part ii] (+18)

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SUMMARY: Sam and Colby spend the afternoon remembering each other's bodies again after their little game fails.
RATING: Explicit (explicit sexual content, dom!Sam, sub!Colby, grinding, getting off on each other, sexting, use of pet names, explicit language, borderline daddy kink)
AN: a sequel by popular demand. I couldn't have completed this sequel without the help of my dear friend @ SolbyLover24 (go check out her works here on Wattpad!). Part of this sequel is her words and the other part is mine. This is our first collab together and definitely the first of many to come. We hope you enjoy it <3


A groan escaped Sam's lips as he felt the familiar twitch of his cock against the body pillow. His own body betraying him and thinking that it was an actual physical body underneath and not a pillow. Or maybe it was just the visions dancing in Sam's head of his best friend.

"Baby boy," Sam mumbled the nickname between his lips biting his pillow and gave in to his feelings for a moment, imagining Colby was the body pillow and Sam was slowly sinking into his ass.

Another moan disturbed his thoughts and the sound of his door closing, "Do you promise to bite my neck like that if that body pillow and I switch places, Sammy?"

Sam let go of his hold around the pillow, turning to look up at the body that entered his room. Colby stood before him in his old XPLR sweatpants with blown eyes, flushed cheeks, ruffled curly hair, and arms folded across his bare chest. A wide smile spread across Sam's face as he tossed the body pillow onto the floor, opening his arms to his former lover once more.

»»————- ☀️ ————-««

We burned so bright... you and I. We were like golden light when we were young. Now we still are, but we're an explosion. I'm holding a supernova in my hands. I literally am! I'm holding you right now, Colby... please don't let our fire burn out...

»»————- ☀️ ————-««

Sam opened his arms up to his lover again, but Colby didn't do what Sam expected him to do; the blonde was quickly realizing that about the boy he had been lovers with for so long-- unexpectedness. Instead, Colby grabs Sam's ankles and tugs the former blonde down to the edge of the bed. Colby raises one leg and straddles Sam's waist, a low growl on his lips. Sam sits up, grabbing Colby's waist, and his startled expression turns into a delighted one, as he takes in the brunettes appearance more fully.

"Shit," Sam exhales slowly, caressing Colby's hip peeking above the sweatpants.

"What?" Colby cocks his head to the side teasingly-- his hands rest on top of his thighs.

Sam raises his hand up Colby's sides, trailing slowly, and he is remembering the way Colby's body is. He continues up and over Colby's chest and the defined muscles he knows are underneath now. His fingers drift over a nipple and Colby's breath hitches and his eyes fall shut. He still so sensitive.

Slowly, Sam gives a subtle buck of his hips up into Colby, craving the feeling of the other's on his skin. Sam's hand settles on Colby's throat, squeezing experimentally, and then bends Colby's head to the side.

Sapphire eyes peer out from a low gaze at Sam as the older male bucks again up against Colby's body, enjoying how Colby's eyes flutter shut and his breath hitches again.

Colby bites down on his bottom lip and Sam felt the twitch of Colby's hard cock against his own. But, Sam tightened his grip of Colby's throat and Colby can't help but gasp sharply at the high dancing across his eyes.

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