Shower Intimacy (+18)

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WARNING(S): explicit sexual content


Soft Solby shower intimacy after getting arrested


The YouTube duo were back in L.A. at last, after a long stressful past 48 hours dealing with the cops and lawyers and their very upset manager. Colby Brock felt so exhausted in a way he had never felt before and he felt completely nasty. He could feel every inch of that jail cell sticking to his skin; not-to-mention all of the grime that was on him from the abandoned place they were breaking into when they were arrested. The brunette couldn't wonder what his partner-in-crime, Sam Golbach, was feeling either in that moment, though the blonde had a bit less of hefty punishment than Colby. 

Both were craving a hot and long shower and that's exactly where they were now. 

The shower head was beating down in a constant rhythm against Colby's lower back, massaging the aching muscles there, as he rested his head in the crook of Sam's neck. Steam rose up from the heated water around the pair, cocooning them in warmth. Sam's arms were wrapped tightly around Colby's waist, holding him firmly to the blonde male's naked body. 

The gunk from the abandoned place and the jail cell went down the drain in stripes of grey and brown, but the exhaustion Colby was feeling stayed. He was happy just staying here in Sam's arms in the shower, feeling warm and safe and at home. 

Sam hummed a moment, fingertips lightly caressing Colby's lower back in various shapes and words, before stating, "I was so scared when they split us apart."

He emphasizes his statement by squeezing his arms around Colby's body gently, feeling the brunette's muscles shift under his touch. 

Colby hummed back, lips beginning to place gentle, wet, and sloppy kisses on Sam's shoulder and neck, "I never want to be split from you like that again."

Sam nuzzles his head into Colby's, "We won't. You always have me."

There's a pause and all Sam can hear is the splatter of water from the shower head hitting Colby's back. All he can feel is Colby's skin against his own, the light mist from the shower head bouncing off of Colby's back and hitting his face, and the sloppy kisses to his neck and shoulder. If Sam was more in the mood and less exhausted, he would have turned this shower into an excuse to ram Colby against the tile wall with his cock inside him. But, Sam only wanted to feel Colby against him and know he is here beside him, as he always was since the day they met and always will be. 

Colby could practically hear Sam's thoughts, for he admitted he was having them as well. 

He raised his head away from Sam's neck and peered into those sky blue eyes. 

"We're home now, Sam."

A smirk appeared on Colby's face and his sapphire eyes ignited with a dangerous glint that Sam knew well.

Sam's hands moved farther up Colby's back and the blonde suddenly twisted them so Colby was now pinned to the tile wall of Colby's shower. The brunette's arms caged further around Sam's body, pulling them together again, and Colby hissed a bit as he felt the cold of the tile against his heated back. 


Sam smiled softly, raising one of his hands to the side of Colby's face, fingertips caressing the sharp jawline.

"That we are," Sam replied to Colby's previous statement and leaned forward, pressing their lips together. 

Maybe a little shower sex wouldn't hurt, he thinks and, as Colby's leg rises higher against Sam's thigh, he becomes even more incredibly thankful to be home and in one piece. 

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