The Deadliest Catch

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Deadliest Catch AU (*man this show was my shit back in the day lol*)

Ship Name: The TFIL

Captain: Elton 

Chief's Mate (second-in-command): Corey 

Crew Members: Sam, Colby, Jake, Heath

Greenhorns: Aaron 

Summary: Not all stories have happy endings and Colby wishes, like he hadn't done on those shooting stars he sees while he waits for the crab pot to come up from the depths of the ocean, that stories did have happy endings.

WARNING(S): implicit sexual content, language

Word Count: 1,205


The ocean waves crashed against the porthole and the ship creaked and moaned as it sailed through the ocean toward the crab fishing grounds. When Colby had first started as a greenhorn, the sound terrified him. He had heard the stories. He had friends of his be taken by the ocean's embrace, some never to return back from it, like Brennan Taylor. He knew the dangers and that sound of the ocean hitting the ship was what Colby associated with those deaths and stories.

Now, as a member aboard The TFIL for about 6 years, Colby adored that sound more than anything. Whenever they returned back to the harbor, Colby began to crave it. It was not just because Colby's heart belonged to the ocean now, but because it represented the times out at sea when he was with the one he loved. It was the only time the two could be together for the one Colby loved was married. That didn't stop the pair when they were on this ship.

Colby tossed and turned in his bunk, finding his blue gaze staring at the fraction of light coming through the bottom of the door to the cabin he shared with his lover. He wouldn't be able to fall asleep until his lover returned and so Colby waited.

It felt like an hour later when Colby heard the first noise in the hallway outside the cabin. It was Heath's loud laughter echoing down the walls. If Colby had used that hour to catch up on his precious sleep that any crab fishing crew lost while out on sea, then he would have woken up extremely pissed off at the other deck crew member. But, Heath's obnoxious laughter was a sign that the night shift had ended.

Colby focused on the light below the door, watching as a few shadows of feet passed by. He heard the sound of the door to the cabin next to his opened and shut a few moments later, indicating that fellow crew member, Jake, and greenhorn, Aaron, were in for the night. However, Colby's lover hadn't arrived yet.

Horror scenes played out in his mind, but Colby knew that nothing like his lover falling overboard into the ocean's dark and icy embrace had happened, for Captain Elton Castee had not run the alarm. Nor had Chief Mate Corey Scherer screeched orders at all the crew members. But, perhaps, Colby had fallen asleep and did not hear it. That sent Colby's heart racing again. Then, he thought about it more logically again. Heath wouldn't have been laughing. His heart calmed down again. He was overreacting.

Suddenly, the door to the cabin opened, flooding the room in yellow light for a few seconds before returning it to darkness.

"Sam," Colby called out to his lover, watching the silhouette take its clothes off.

"I'm here," the silhouette replied, tossing the clothes onto the other bed.

Sam grabbed a pair of sweatpants and pulled those on before crawling into the bed with the other man. They rarely ever used Sam's assigned bed for sleeping or... "other activities." It became more of a place to throw dirty laundry. Instead, both rather use Colby's bunk. One, Sam enjoyed being surrounded by the other man's smell and, two, it allowed for Sam to take his things back to his home smelling like himself rather than another man so his wife wouldn't suspect a thing.

Colby felt better when Sam crawled into the bed, wrapping an arm around Colby's waist and laying his head against Colby's chest. His lover was safe, now. A sigh escaped Colby's mouth, as he rested his head against Sam's, eyes falling shut.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Sam murmured softly and then yawned, "I had trouble getting my gear off."

"Wouldn't have had a problem if I was there," Colby smirked, keeping his eyes shut.

Sam pinched lightly Colby's side, which made the brunette tense up and give a small yelp, "Watch it, mister, or I'll move to my bed," there was a humorous tone to Sam's voice.

"Like you would," Colby teased back, and then tightened his hold around Sam, "Beside, you like being beside me too much."

"Who said it was you," Sam laughed, "Perhaps I'm attracted to your bed."

"Well, excuse me, then," Colby smirked, "I'll move to your bed and you and my bed can have it, though that isn't what you scream when I'm deep inside you."

Sam sighed, a hint of a smile on his exhausted face, "Yeah, you're right. Screaming, 'COLBY'S BED!' at the top of my lungs doesn't quite have the same tone as screaming, 'COLBY!'"

"Damn right," Colby gave a gentle kiss to the top of Sam's head.

The two fell into silence, left to the darkness of their cabin and the rocking of the ship on the ocean's waves. Colby was almost asleep, pulled under by the waves and his lover's heartbeat, when Sam disturbed him.

"Colby? Are you awake?" Sam asked, something odd about his tone of voice that got the brunette worried.

"Hmm?" he replied.

"I... uh... have something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" Colby sleep voice replied.

"Kat's pregnant."

Colby opened his eyes, staring at the darkened corner of their cabin. Pregnant, the word echoed in Colby's mind. Kat was Sam's wife. Kat was pregnant. Sam was going to be a father.

He should have been happier for his best friend. He should been thrilled. Sam would make a wonderful father. But... Colby wasn't feeling particularly happy about the news. All he could think about was the fact that a kid would add to another reason why Sam would go back to Kat and another reason why Sam would never leave her.

A cracking sound emanated around him, echoing in Colby's ears. It wasn't the ship and it wasn't the bed frame. It was Colby's heart, breaking and shattering in his chest.

"I just wanted you to know that, Colby," there's now a worried tone to Sam's voice.

If Colby could, he would turn over and face the wall of the cabin rather than hold Sam. He's that angry and upset at that moment. However, he can't, as Sam is tightly holding onto him, even tighter than he was before. As if Sam was afraid of Colby going away.

If only Sam knew that it wasn't Colby who was going away, it was himself. Sam had run away from Colby long before they even were on this ship. Colby had lost Sam already to the ocean, to a woman hundreds of miles away across it, to an unborn child resting in the woman's womb.

Sam wasn't going to return after this season of crab fishing was over.

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