The Monster in the Woods [part ii]

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Authors Note:

I wasn't planning on writing anymore to this, but some people have asked for more, so here we go!

Warnings: blood and gore, violence, mental health issues (contemplating suicide)


Corey and Elton's son is almost attacked by a black figure, but not before he is rescued by a wolf. 

Word Count: 2,723


Elton and Corey's son, a small boy with a mini man bun on his head, peered out the window in his bedroom. The world was dark around him, save for the nightlight beside his bed, which reflected the constellations onto his ceiling. His father's words echoed in his head as he looked into his backyard and there was a hope in his eyes. A childish hope of seeing the big bad wolf.

His door creaked open slowly and the young Castee boy fell back into his bed quickly, pulling the covers over his head, and snoring loudly. It was obvious to Corey and Elton, who entered their sons room after waking up worried about him, that their son was not asleep. The obnoxiously loud snores coming from the bed made Elton give a little laugh and he was silenced by his husband a moment later with a shove to his ribs.

Corey called out to his son, "We know you're awake, baby."

The boy stopped fake snoring and pulled the covers down from his head to stare at his parents standing in his doorway, "I'm sorry, Dad, Papa."

Elton stepped toward his son, sitting down on the edge of the bed carefully, and placing a gentle hand on his sons back, "It's okay, son. Why aren't you asleep? Did my story scare you?"

The boy shook his head, "I just want to see the wolf."

Elton cooed gently at his son, "Perhaps one day, baby, but not tonight."

The boy whined, "But, Dad..."

"No," Elton laughed, launching at his son and tickling his sides, "You've got the tickle wolf right here!"

"NO!" the boy cried out with laughter, sounding so much like his other father, "DAD! No! Stop it! That tickles!"

Corey laughed from his position at the doorway, "Alright, alright, alright, you two. Both of you need sleep. You have work and school tomorrow."

Elton stopped tickling to simply stare down at his son with a gentle smile. His son pulled the covers tighter around his body, "Are you going to be able to sleep here tonight or do you want to come sleep with Papa and I?"

His son nodded, "With you and Papa, Dad."

Elton opened his arms to his son, "Alright, come here, then, squirt."

His son laughed and launched himself into his father's arms, "I'm no squirt, Dad!"

Elton lifted the young boy up, placing him on his hip, and walked toward Corey, who leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on their sons cheek, "You're always our little squirt."

"Papa!" his son cried out and wiped Corey's kiss from his cheek.

The family of three left the room to the darkness and walked back to their main bedroom, missing the long shadow dash across the backyard.


It was much later that night when the young Castee boy woke up again, squished between his two dads. Something had disturbed his slumber and he wasn't sure what it was, but he was awake. Being of both Castee and Scherer blood, the young boy was a restless creature and sat up, maneuvering himself out between his dads in such a way that would have made his Uncle Colby proud. He landed on the wooden floor of his parents bedroom with ease and found himself walking out of it.

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