Immortal Love

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WARNING(S): implicit sexual content, blood

SUMMARY: Colby turns Sam into a vampire.

Word Count: 970


"Are you ready, Sam?"

The blonde male stared into those sapphire eyes, feeling like he had the chance finally to start over again and with the man he loves. He had thought about this question long and hard and he knew exactly what his answer would be. So, when Sam answered, it was filled with confidence.

"Yes," Sam replied.

The tall brunette smiled and Sam watched as his front K9's elongated into a pair of porcelain fangs. Raising his hand, Sam felt the brunette wrap his fingers around the blonde's neck. With the pressure on his neck, Sam angled his head to the right, and the brunette moved closer to the blonde. Sam shut his eyes, ready to feel those fangs enter his skin.

"Never in the hundreds of years I have lived have I felt this way before, Sam," the brunette whispered against the blonde's neck, leaving goosebumps on his flesh.

"Colby," Sam sighed.

The brunette opened his mouth and gave the spot on Sam's neck a gentle kiss before he bit into the spot. Sam gasped, back arching into the brunette, as he felt Colby's fangs in his skin. Slowly, he felt himself get light headed, as the blood drained from his veins. As a result, his body became weak and he fell backwards and would have smacked himself hard on the wall next to Colby's bed, if the vampire had not caught him and lowered the blonde into the soft sheets.

Sam could hear moans coming Colby, but he wasn't sure if he was just hearing things. Suddenly, Colby pulled away and Sam tried to keep his eyes open, but he was failing. Colby was just a dark shadow in his vision. However, the vampire brought his arm up to his mouth and bit into it before bringing the incision to Sam's mouth.

"Drink, Sam," Colby ordered.

With the last of his strength, Sam darted his tongue to take a swipe of Colby's blood. It was intoxicating and each drop that fell on his tongue renewed him with energy. He gained enough to raise his hand and grasp Colby's arm tightly. Lips sucked on the incision on Colby's arm, drinking every drop of the vampire's blood he could take. Small moans escaped Sam's lips.

The brunette smiled down at the blonde and he moaned a bit as he felt Sam drink his blood. Colby had waited so long to do this and, now, it was time. Sam would join him in his immortal damnation and the two would live forever, side-by-side. It was a love story that most could only dream of, but Colby had it, now.

"Stop, Sam," Colby pulled his arm away from Sam, though the blonde had latched onto it and was trying to bring it back to his lips.

The vampire hissed and flipped his legs up, swinging himself over on top of Sam. He landed on Sam's lap, as his hands latched onto Sam's wrists and held him there beneath him. Colby's chest was heaving as his body quickly adjusted itself to replenish the lost blood.

"More," Sam moaned, bucking his hips up against Colby's.

"No, Sam," Colby looked down at the blonde, "It's time to finish the transformation and then you can have all the blood you want after that."

Sam smiled, biting his bottom lip, and closed his eyes, "Mhmmm, yes," he moaned.

With quick movements, Colby released his hold on Sam and grasped Sam's head tightly. He didn't hesitate as he snapped Sam's neck. The blonde went still beneath him and, if Colby didn't know that he was dead, he would have appeared to be asleep. Colby leaned forward and brushed some of Sam's blonde hair away from his eyes, placing a soft kiss on the blonde's cheeks, before returning to his previous position on the blonde's lap.

Suddenly, Sam gasped. Blue eyes were red as they shot open wide as the blonde sat up. Colby saw as Sam gasped two elongated fangs glistening in the blonde's mouth. The sight made Colby smile brightly. The blonde looked at him with confusion for a moment and then a glisten of recognition appeared in those red eyes. A smile spread across Sam's face.

With his inhuman speed, Sam grasped the back of Colby's neck and brought the older vampire closer. Lips met in a furry of flesh and desire and lust. The blonde moaned into Colby's mouth and Colby never felt so much lust flood his system than in that moment. But, Sam got a little carried away and Colby felt the blonde's fangs prick his bottom lip, a tongue sweeping out to take a taste.

Colby pushed the new vampire back down on the bed, hissing at him. One of Colby's hands wrapped around Sam's neck again, placing hard pressure on it to keep the newly turned vampire down in his bed. Sam only smiled and gave a small laugh. The brunette watched in fascination as Sam licked his lips, stained with Colby's blood, and raised his arms to stretch like a cat beneath him.

"Damn, this feels good," Sam moaned as he stared up at the older vampire.

Fuck, Colby thinks, Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. All of his blood was going straight to his cock and his strength went from his arm keeping the blonde down.

Sam sat up again and placed his hands on Colby's hips. Lips caressed Colby's neck in a soft manner, "I'm hungry, love," Sam whispers.

Colby laughs a bit, leaning back some more to look at Sam head on. He raises his hand to grasp Sam's chin, whipping away some of his blood that dribbled, "Let's go get you something to eat then."

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