More Than A Pirate's Gold

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Mermaid AU

WARNING(S): language

"Some things in this world are worth more than a pirate's gold and whiskey to me."
A pirate and a merman fall in love despite their circumstances.

!Trailer For This One Shot Above!

Word Count: 4,465


Captain Sam Golbach was restless that night.

No matter how much he tossed and turned and remade his bed, covered with the finest silk's he could steal, he just could not seem to fall asleep. With a groan, he got up from the bed and gave up on trying to sleep. Instead, he slipping on his well worn leather boots, pulled a white tunic over his bare chest, leaving it undone up top to reveal his pale skin, and slipped on his captain's jacket. The material of the jacket was soft to the touch, for Captain Sam Golbach had it made in Singapore a long time ago by the silk spinners there.

The Captain of The Katrina was a simple pirate by any means. If he saw something worth wealth, he took it.

With a sigh and swig of the almost empty whiskey jug on his desk, Captain Sam Golbach walked out of his cabin and onto the open deck of The Katrina. It was a cool night out and the sky was clear. A slight wind was in the air, which Captain Sam Golbach was thankful for, as it caressed his cheeks.

A stagnant air was something to be feared for anyone out on the open sea.

His blue eyes, feared by many on this ship and those not on the ship, landed on the shadowy figure at the helm. That would be his second mate, Jake, who was actually Lord Jacob Webber of Essex back in England, but dropped his title for a life of adventures out on the ocean. His second mate was actually one of his closest friends, as the pair had grown up together back in England before they picked up the life of piracy. Captain Sam Golbach would never trust anyone else before Second Mate Jake.

Instead of walking toward his Second Mate, Captain Sam Golbach found himself walking to the other end of the ship toward the foremast, which was the front of the ship. He had no idea why, but something was pulling at his gut to walk towards there.

Like said before, Captain Sam Golbach was a simple pirate by any means. He followed his gut.

He grasped the smooth railing and looked out at the gentle roll of the ocean. There was absolutely nothing for miles and this was what he wanted the most of piracy. Not the wealth or the thrill of stealing, but rather the amount of open space there way. This was a world yet to be explored!

"Do you mind not standing in my light?"

A voice, masculine, but like a good Scottish whiskey (not the rubbish rum they picked up from Africa) came up from below the ship.

Captain Sam Golbach leaned over the edge and looked wide eyed at the ledge below. There, sitting beside the carved woman (whom Captain Sam Golbach had commissioned to memorialize the woman he wanted to marry but never could, who was also the namesake for the ship) was a creature that he had only ever heard of in stories on the loose lips of prostitutes or drunk sailors (there really was no difference).

It was a brown haired male from the hips up, but from the hips began blue scales. And the blue scales formed a long tail like an elongated fish tail, which hung over the ledge and dangled barely above the water. In the creature's hands was a book, fingers folded into it to hold the place of a page. Its face was chiseled and smooth, but the lips were set into a frown. Blue eyes, which were more like the deepest sapphires Captain Sam Golbach had ever seen, were red rimmed and looked up at him with a hardened glare.

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