A Little Broken

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PLEASE NOTE: This was written after yesterday's event. I'm happy to know that Sam is doing so much better! This fanfic is not meant to be offensive to anyone. There is also some mentions of COVID-19/coronavirus in this, so if any of this is triggering then please do not read.

SUMMARY: Sam is falling... and then there is pain. Colby's voice is loud in his ear's and Sam is screaming.

RATING: Mature (but only for mature themes)

»»————- ♡ ————-««

"They took you away on a table
I pace back and forth as you lay still
They pull you in to feel your heartbeat
Can you hear me screaming, 'Please don't leave me'
Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you
I don't wanna let go
I know I'm not that strong
I just wanna hear you
Saying baby, let's go home
Let's go home
Yeah, I just wanna take you home"
- Hold On by Chord Overstreet

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Sam is falling.

Then there is pain.

It shoots up his spine like an electrical spark, sharp and hot. He already knows something is wrong the second he feels it. He shuts his blue eyes, blown wide underneath his eyelids with fear. He just wants to disappear in that moment.

Colby's voice is loud in his ear's and Sam is screaming.

Hands fumble with his and he just squeezes the flesh hard. He knows it's Colby's hand, despite the lack of rings.

Sam is so fearful to move his legs. Afraid of what that would imply. Tears tickle at the edges of his eyes. He hasn't felt pain like this in such a long time... but then again he doesn't think well when he is in pain. Has he ever been in pain like this before?

His lower lip and jaw trembles as he cries and screams in pain, clutching Colby's hand so tightly with his own. Desperately, Sam wishes he could turn back time and tell his past self to not be so stupid. He knows he's never going to be able to handle heights again after this.

"Oh shit," Colby's voice goes in and out with Sam's screams and the former blond can't hear much else above his own cries of pain.

Looking back later, he can vaguely remember the sounds of Jake calling 9-1-1 and the slam of the sliding door as Corey comes down from the balcony Sam just fell from. The dancer was yelling at Colby, calling him out that this was "your idea!" and "your YouTube video!" and "your dares!" and "your fault!"

Sam wants to slap Corey, for this wasn't Colby's fault and to stop Corey from degrading Colby in that moment. Sam needed his best friend and his strength in that moment and Sam wasn't sure how he was going to handle a depressed Colby at this moment.

"Fuck off Corey!" Colby snaps, uncertainty laced in his voice, but Sam can't hear him.

Sam wants to turn over, his arm falling asleep from under him, but he just doesn't want to move. What if he...? Would he walk again? That was the question floating on his tongue. He must have broken his back or, at the very least, severely bruised it.

There's a hand on his head, running through his hair in attempt to soothe Sam. He cries out again in pain, biting his lip to try to stop his bodies reaction. Yet, every time he does so, Sam is reminded of the pain shooting through his spine.

"They're coming, Sam," Colby's voice shakes.

Sam whimpers, "Colby..."

"Shhhh, don't talk," Colby is trying to be so strong for them both and Sam is so thankful and proud of him.

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