Happiest With You

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WARNING(S): language, angst

Summary: Colby's heartbroken after discovering Sam cheated on him.

Word Count: 480


There was so much pain in Colby's chest. He felt like he could explode into a million pieces. Like a supernova. Then, he would collapse into himself afterward, as all imploding stars must, and, this time, it wouldn't be an afterglow, but a black hole that would reside.

"I was happiest with you, Colby. You were everything good and pure in this world to me. I don't know what I would be with you. You are my other half. You are everything I have."


Tears spilled over Colby's cheeks as he looked up at the man he had loved for 8 years of his life. His eyes, like crystal sapphires, were deep oceans filled with utter turmoil. The brunette hated how he must look in that moment. Him, sitting on his bed, holding his stuffed koala between his hands tightly, tear streaked face, wearing an old and torn XPLR merch shirt, curled into himself.

"I'm not lying, Colby!"

"Liar!" Colby growled at the other man, turning away and staring at the wall, which was covered in photos of himself and the blonde haired man he had loved. Memories he had treasured for the longest time, but he wanted to ignite it all. Strike a match and destroy it all.

"Why would I lie?"

Colby sniffled and was silent.

"Why would I lie?"

The blonde asked again.

Colby was silent again.

"I love you, Colby."

"I loved you, Sam," he replied.

The blonde sighed and sat down on the bed behind Colby. The brunette felt Sam touch his back and he flinched, causing Sam to drop his hand.

"What can I do to make this better?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing," Colby snapped his head to the blonde male, "You lied to me. You cheated on me. We are done!"

"Colby," Sam's face was contorted into pain at the brunette's words; he tried to reach out for Colby again, but dropped his hand when he saw Colby give him a glare, "Please, baby."

"No! Liar!" Colby growled again and began to cry hard.

His throat was closing up and it felt so dry to breath through it, but Colby found he still had tears to cry. Sam was silent during that time and Colby's head snapped up again when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. The blonde was moving away from him, walking toward the bedroom door. Just as he reached the threshold, Colby screamed and threw the stuffed koala at Sam. It missed the blonde by a few inches, but it made a loud knock as the hard eyeball of the koala made contact with the door.

Sam jumped, but didn't look back at the man who held his heart.

He didn't look back either when Colby screamed again, "Go to hell, you fucking bitch!"

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