The Rose Room

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BASED ON: The Shanley Hotel
(specifically that scene in the end where Sam is in the master bed and the sheets beside him are clearly rumpled as if someone was there and Colby is recording [half naked as always] and his little bed doesn't quite look it was slept in)

SUMMARY: Secret lovers must keep quiet it, as is their nature, and the only person to speak within these walls were the lovers themselves and the ghosts within.
[warning-- Sam is cheating on Katrina in this fic knowingly]

RATED: Teen and up [implicit sexual content]

The YouTube duo finished up their very eventful night at the Shanley Hotel with a quick "see ya in the morning" to Josh and Seth before turning in within the walls of their room

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The YouTube duo finished up their very eventful night at the Shanley Hotel with a quick "see ya in the morning" to Josh and Seth before turning in within the walls of their room. Having had the pick of the whole hotel, the pair decided on the Rose Room, a very light and airy room that definitely didn't have any negative feelings at all to it.

Covered in rather tacky rose-vine wallpaper that you would see at your grandmother's house, it's walls were otherwise blank. The light from beside the master bed and the single window were the only sources of light. Between the moon outside and the pale orange of the bedside lamp, Colby could almost call it romantic, despite it being neither boy's aesthetic.

But, when you were secret lovers like the pair were, they couldn't afford to be picky.

Sam was with Katrina in every aspect except physical. That was all for Colby. However, Sam gave his all to Colby just as much as he gave it Katrina. His heart was split in two: one half for Katrina and the other half for Colby. He was young when he found out his "special" situation: just moved to L.A. and sharing space with his best friend. It had happened all at the same time with one moment he was meeting Katrina and going out on dates, but then Colby's mouth was on his beneath the sheets in their bedroom.

Colby did understand what this was and respected it, though the attention that Katrina received did grate on his nerves. As long as he had a piece of Sam, he could share the rest with Katrina. Plus, he had this high hope in his mind that Sam would ditch her... eventually. Such a toxic thought made Colby possessive and he was always tempted to suck a little harder on Sam's neck or bite Sam's lips harder so she would see how swollen they were or fuck Sam a little harder so he would limp around.

In exchange for this little dynamic that they balanced so carefully to avoid it getting extremely toxic, Colby could flirt with anyone he chose. While technically Sam and Colby were not together publicly, Colby could keep on the playboy exterior he had. Sam held his heart, so it always made dating difficult when his partner understood quickly that someone else was in Colby's heart (though they didn't know it was Sam).

After their eventful night at the Shanley Hotel, with Colby flirting with Maddie the prostitute ghost and Sam falling his butt when something closed the door, both boys were feeling more than just a typical night in a hotel.

Sam tossed back the floral covers on the large master bed, his eyes blown wide with desire, as he watched Colby take off his shirt and slip into the bed. It was like it was all in slow motion, which is how it always felt with Colby. Every roll of the muscles in Colby's back as he crawled across the bed to Sam. The slow rise of the corner of Colby's mouth into a smirk when Colby saw how Sam's eyes dilated ever so slightly at Colby coming further.

Colby closed the space between them expertly, knowing just how tantalizing it was for the blonde when the brunette male slid across his body ever so careful. Sam's thigh held purchase between Colby's own as the brunette found the curves of his torso matching with Sam's once more. A hand steady himself above Sam next to the blonde's head as the other cradle the side of it.

"Been wanting to do this since the last time," Colby murmurred, eye lashes fluttering across his cheeks, as his lips found Sam's.

The blonde moaned, arching upward, eyes falling shut, as they kissed deeply.

"Last time was last night," Sam mumurred against the lips passionately kissing him, only able to get a word or two into the conversation before Colby was silencing him with a kiss, "God fuc--," another kiss, "--king damnit--," another kiss, "Colby!"

The brunette pulled away with a laugh, blue eyes twinkling in the low light of their room, "I can't help myself, Sammy," the nickname always sent shivers down Sam's spine, "You're too fucking perfect."

Colby leaned down and planted a kiss on Sam's jawline as the hand cupping Sam's face slid upward into his blonde hair. Fingers tangled themselves in the hair and Colby yanked on them, causing Sam to hiss.

"Can we not do this tonight?"

The question made Colby stop what he was doing immediately and he turned his attention to Sam's gaze. With a crooked eyebrow, Colby asked, "Sure?" and then a pause of uncertainty, "Are you okay, Sam?"

The blonde nodded and smiled softly. His hand fell into Colby's hair, brushing the brunette strands from the male's face, "Of course-- I just want to spend the time with you tonight without the sex."

Colby nodded, "Okay-- yeah," and he maneuvered himself into the spot beside Sam on the empty side of the bed.

He yanked the covers over his bare legs before wrapping an arm around Sam's waist and pulling the blonde into him. Sam made a sound at the contact of their bodies colliding and he laughed as he stared up at Colby from the position he had put them both of them in. Colby smiled brightly down at him.


Sam laughed again, "Hey, you."

Colby sighed as he nestled himself into the bed, pressing a kiss to Sam's hair, "We did well tonight."

"You mean keeping our hands to ourselves?" Sam smirked, nuzzling into Colby's shoulder.

A bark of laughter, "That's not what I meant-- the ghosts!"

"Ahh! Yes-- right," Sam teased the brunette further, "The ghosts-- yes."

Colby rolled his eyes at his lover, "The ghosts were really active tonight. Gonna made a great video!"

Sam nodded in agreement, "Definitely will-- though, I'm going to have to talk to Maddie."

Colby laughed, "She won't take that very lightly. And I'm very attached to her now."

Sam rose up on his elbow to look at Colby at that statement. His eyes narrowed in at the brunette, "Are you now? Maybe you should go sleep in her bed?"

Colby scoffed, "Oh come on, Sam-- I'm only teasing. Yours is the only bed I want to be in," and pressed another kiss to his forehead. A soft noise of compliance came from Sam as he nuzzled back into Colby's shoulder, "Besides, I think she wanted you too in there."

"That would have been an eventful YouTube video."

Colby laughed, "Demonetized in seconds."

"PornHub then?"

"Oh yeahhhh," Colby replied as if it was a good idea.

Sam laughed, "Like I would want anyone else seeing your perfectly shaped ass."

Colby huffed into Sam's hair, "This ass is yours only."

There was an emptiness to the joke that Colby knew was filled with Katrina, but he swallowed the guilt he had about stealing her man with the reminder that he had Sam first. Maybe not as a lover, but Colby had Sam first. Just as much as Sam had Colby first.

Another wouldn't change that-- least of all Katrina Stuart.

"Night, Sam," Colby sighed, turning away from Sam's body for a second to turn the light off beside him.

"Night, Colby," Sam mumurred back with a yawn and curled around Colby's body protectively for the rest of the night.

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