[Chapter 9]

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*few weeks later*

It's been a few weeks and I've been very! Busy. I've been working on publishing my song, which takes like 10 hours. So yeah, that's fun.
But! I also learned to control a few of my powers. Like flight, invisibility, and weather control. I'm not quite sure how I use my mind to control or use things just yet. So that's pretty difficult, but besides that everything wolf wise is going great.
I'm currently taking a nap. Basically making this a monologue. Welp, guess I'm making a monologue.

Your a bad person

Your bound to follow your heritage and cause chaos

You can't hide from the truth.

You'll see

Yeah those have been my dreams since a couple days ago. I used to just ignore them... but now I just can't
It's like whenever I hear, nightwing, I instantly think of evil, and then I think of me. And how I could become one.
But.. I'm not, at least.. I think I'm not.

Your one of us

"Pstttt wake up Layla" Someone whispers, gently shaking me awake.
My eyes peek open, and I'm met with familiar ocean blue eyes.
"Oh, hi Colby" I say yawning.
"You slept for literally 4 hours. You ok?" He asks me
"Y-Yeah! Just haven't really slept well these last few day" I respond. Hiding the painful truth of my horrid dreams.
"Well ok. But COME ON GET UP WERE GOING TO THE FAIR!!!" He yells, jumping up and down on the couch I was sleeping on, basically making me bounce up and down like a bouncy ball.
"Ok ok I'm up!" I yell, toppling over off the couch

Colby laughs and helps me up "you good?"
I nod
"Ok well fix your hair and put shoes on! We're meeting the guys there!"
I laugh "ok ok chill! Whats got you so energetic?" I say, flipping my hair making it easier to pull up

"I drank 5 energy drinks this morning... NOW HURRY UP!"

I laugh "ok ok I'm ready!" I yell back, slipping in my shoes

"Great lets go!"

We ended up meeting at the front of the fair, near the mirror maze.
"Ok so where to first!?" Colby yells jumping up and down
"You are literally like a 10 year old" I laugh
He laughs and nods proudly "child for life" we all laugh
"So we're agreeing that tonight we are all children!?" Jake asks excitingly
"I guess so!" Sam yells
"YAYYYYY" everyone cheered making me laugh
"Ok first is the Ferris wheel!" Colby yelled running off to the big circular machine
If I'm being honest I've never actually been to a fair. I know it's weird. But I wasn't really an active kid. I was more of an indoor, chill, nose in a book kinda child.
We all followed Colby to the Ferris wheel.
The line wasn't long luckily, so it went quick
"Ok me and Kat, Corey and dev, Jake and Tara, and Colby and Layla" Sam says happily
"Ok sounds good!" "Gotcha" "ok!"

I smile at Colby and he smiles back. His blue eyes shimmering in the light.
Me and him were the first ones to board. I sat down and he followed. The man working the ride lowered the bar and set us off.
"Whoa" I say. Looking out to all the lights and color "it's beautiful"
"Yeah this view always gets me" he responds, pretending to wipe a tear away
"I wouldn't know" I mumble
"What? you've never been?". He asks, looking into my eyes.
I shake my head "nah. I was never a go out with my friends, or partier kinda person"
He chuckles "well that's gonna change. Cause tonight! Your gonna have one of the best nights of our lives" he says pulling out his phone "and it all starts. With a picture"
We smile at the camera, but right as he's about to take it. The ride shakes, making me grasp onto his hand in fear
I blush and instantly let go of his hand.
"Awww cute!" He says, gushing over the picture. He shows it to me

 He shows it to me

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I giggle "yeah.. I guess it is"

The ride soon came to a stop and we all hopped off.
"Ok who wants to play a game!?" Jake yelled in excitement
"I do!" I yell!
Though I've never been to a fair, I have! Been to an arcade. So I'm pretty good at them.
We made it to a dart throwing game. "Here I'll try and win you a plushie!" Colby says to me, handing the guy 3 tickets.
He shoots, he misses
He shoots, he misses
He shoots, he misses
"Aww man!" He yells in defeat
I laugh at him, and also hand the guy 3 tickets
I shoot, *pop*
I shoot, *pop*
I shoot!, *pop*
"We have a winner!" The guy yells. I cheer
"What toy would you like miss?" He asks me. I look around and spot the perfect one "that one!" I point to the big koala plushie.
He hands it to me and I smile at it, before turning to Colby and Hading it to him.
"Bruh! How'd you do that!?" He asked. I laugh at his facial expression, it's a mix of 'wtf', and 'thanks'
"I just got great aim" I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Bro you just got showed up by a girl" Sam says
Colby rolls his eyes "yeah ok. HEY! You wanna go get some snacks then we can go to the mirror maze!" He suggests. We all agree and head to the snack bar.

"Hi I'll have one cotton candy and-" I start, Colby finishes "a funnel cake"
As I reach for my wallet I hear a beep.
I look up and see that Colby has already paid for mine and his food.
"Hey I could've paid" I said.
He laughed "I got it"

"Fine. But I'm paying you back" I say crossing my arms with a smirk on my face
He shakes his head "it was 3 dollars. It's fine! I got money" he says with a devious smirk on his face
"Oh really? What's your job?" I asked. I know it's a joke. But I actually am curious
"I'm a YouTuber" he says "I have my own Channel, plus a duo one with Sam"

"That's cool!" I exclaim

Mental note: find his YouTube channel and tease him about it

Everyone got their food and we all sat down and chatted for a while. Now it's dark and the place is getting crowded. Understandable.

"Ok y'all ready to go to the maze?" Corey asks excitingly
We all nod
"Then let's go brotha's and sista's" he says is a weird voice making me laugh.

As we're walking I see something in the corner of my eye. I turn and see a dark little alley. At the end of it is a shadow, disappearing into the edge.
What was that?
I break apart from the group and walk over to it.
I see a shadow for a split second before it disappears.
"Hey you good?" Colby appears from behind me, startling me.

"Oh, uh yeah! L-let go!" I say as we make our way the crowd and back to the group.

What was that???

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