[Chapter 31]

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We got back late last night, at around 4:00 am. Ik it's really late. And we leave at 6:00 am, it's currently 5:30.
I'm dead inside.
I'm SOOOOOOooooo tired, and I need sleep. But I also need to clean up cause, SHOCKER, no one did last night.
I hop out of bed and slip on some slippers. I walk outside to see that... the entire hotel room's clean?
And what's that smell????
I zoom to the kitchen, and sure enough, there stood Colby with two mugs of hot chocolate.
I smile "really?". "Well I knew you'd be tired, and I knew you don't like coffee, so yesterday I went and bought some hot coca for today. and I got you this cute mug.

 and I got you this cute mug

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"And I got this one"

 "And I got this one"

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"That... is SO you" I exclaim, taking my mug from his hands. "I KNOW RIGHT!" He scoffs, taking a sip from his cocoa.
I look around "did you clean the entire apartment!?" I ask.
He nods "Yurp! And everyone's rooms, since their all in a mood I thought I'd try NOT to make their mood worse than I already was" he shrugs.
"I know. I wonder what caused it? Was it something I did? Do I make everything about me!?" I ramble.
He shanked his head rapidly, taking a seat next to me and grabbing my hands "nu u! You have done nothing wrong. If they thought you were only doing this because you wanted attention they wouldn't have come. But they did, and they came because they wanted to support you." He says.
I smile "Thanks... but still. I wonder what caused them to be like this?"
He shrugs "maybe all this traveling got them cranky" he says in a mom voice making me laugh.
We hear a door open and close, actually we heard multiple
"Speak of the devils" Colby mumbled, resulting in my giggling.
Everyone's walks out from their rooms looking like zombies. Literally!
They all looked tired, drained, and just full of no life.
"Y'all ok?" I ask, actually worried.
They all nod "just great" Sam says sarcastically.
"Look I know y'all are in.. some sort of mood? But I'm actually worried. What's wrong?" I ask once again
"It's nothing" he says, grabbing Raisin Bran from the cupboard.
I hear a quiet ringing noise and look to Colby. He's looking straight at Sam with a confused face, then looking at each of them with the exact expression
"Psst" he looks to me. I gesture for him to come to my room.
He nods and follows, closing the door behind him.
"Did you read them?" I ask.
He looks nervous, but nods
"And?" He sighs "you won't like the answer..." he's say "to be more accurate you won't want to believe it"
I roll my eyes "Just say it"

"It's Cole" he says quickly.
I stare confused "how is it Cole?"

"Look when I read them... their minds were being drained..." "elaborate" "like all their thoughts, emotions, memory were being stolen" he says.
"And you think it's Cole cause?" "Cause he said that his power, unlike yours, is removing someone's mind. And from what I can see, their minds are like... disappearing"

I take a deep breath, and hold it. It can't be tru... it just can't! I went with David and hurt my friends, and I let it happen again!? How could I be so stupid?!
I let out my breath "I—— I did it again" I say, taking a seat on the be and bowing my head. "I let this happen again!... it's all my fault
He takes a seat next to me "is not your fault" he says. I shake my head "you warned me about him and I ignored you! It is my fault!"
"Bu-" "no I'm sorry Colby but no matter what you say this is my——!" He cuts me off by smashing his lips into mine.
At first I'm confused, but soon ease into the kiss. He puts his hand softly on my cheek.
When we part we look into each other's eyes "it is not your fault" he says slowly, in a very soft tone.
I smile and nod "ok"
He smiles and holds onto my hands.

Sadly the moment didn't last long cause my phone started ringing.
I groan "Hello?" "Hi Mrs.Moray, the bus to take you to the next town has arrived" "ok great!"
I hang up the phone, "bus's here" I say awkwardly.
He smiles "then shall we" standing up and extending his hand
I giggle "we shall"


As we're loading up the bus, someone appears behind me. Cole.
I fake a smile. If I'm gonna save my friends. I can't let him know, that I know.
"Hi" I say, he smiles "hey, I see it's your last day here?" He asks.
I shake my head "same continent, different town"
He smiles deviously, before returning to his Normal smile.
"Ok great! Cause I was kinda hoping.. that you would want to go on a date?"
I stand confused... was Colby right? Did Cole ACTUALLY have a crush on me? Great, another thing I was wrong about.
Maybe this is my chance...
"I would love to" I say, hiding every sort of sarcasm in my body.
"Great! How about tonight? If your not busy with a show?" "No I'm free tonight, where are we gonna go?" "It's a surprise"
A surprise!? Greatttt imma get kidnapped.

I smile "great.. well I gotta go. I'll text you" I say, running to the bus and taking a seat by Colby.
I let out a huge sigh. "What's wrong?" He asks.
I look at him "I may have just made the biggest mistake of my life-

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