[Chapter 32]

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(A/n: sorry I didn't post yesterday. My mental health wasn't the best😕)

"What do you mean your going a date!" He yells, catching everyone's dead gaze.
"Shhhh! Look if we're gonna save them we need to know How! He's doing it and then we can figure out how to stop it." I argue.
He scoffs and sit back "and you think risking Your Own! Mind will fix it!?" He ask.
I nod "yes! It's better then losing them completely!"

He rolls his head back, before bringing it back forward and putting it in his hands. "Ok fine... BUT! Only if I'm there" he tells me
"Secretly?" I ask, he nods like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
I slowly nod "yeah ok. Deal-


It's currently 6:25 and Cole should be picking me up at about 6:30.
"You ready for this?" Colby asks.
I nod "I mean I guess"


"Oh well that's Cole. I'll text you where we're going when he tells me" I say, he nods ok.
I stand up from where I was sitting and walk out the front door and down to the lobby where Cole was.
"You look beautiful" he tells me. I smile as best as I could "Thanks"

He takes me to his car. "So I was thinking we'd go out to dinner, then on a nice walk in the woods" he says as I take out my phone "oh and one more rule-"
I look at him
"No phones" he says.
My heart drops.
I stare at him "c'mon. Gmme" He says, putting his palm out. I hesitantly put my phone in his hand and he throws it out the car window where it smashes into pieces.
My eyes start to fill with tears as I put my hand over my mouth.
"Me and you.." he starts "are gonna have a really fun time tonight"


*Colbys pov*

It's been like.. 20 min and she still hasn't texted me. I'm beginning to get worried.

I pace around the room staring at my phone in hopes it will magically ding.

Corey asks into the room and takes a seat on the couch.
"Corey!" I say relived. maybe he could find the location with his physic vision
He looks up at me with sleepy eyes "I need a favor!" I ask.
He looks back down "not now Colby" he says Rudley
I growl and pick him up from the collar "Look Layla's in danger trying to save ya'lls a$$es so you need to help me or so be it's I will-"
"What's going on here!?" Sam yells entering the room, followed by everyone else.
"Colby here went all Berserk on me!" Corey yelled, straightening up his shirt.
I back away "I did not!" I yell.

"Colby what's gotten into you?!" He asks. I shake my head "nothing!"
"Well clearly something has! Cause you keep lashing out at us!" Sam argues.
"Well col-" Sam cute me off "omg AGAIN WITH THE COLE!? YOU KNOW! Maybe if you weren't such a pu**y you would be nailing Layla right now!? But you aren't!? Cole probably is! And I don't blame him! He took his chance.. why didn't you!?" He yells, his eyes turning grayer and grayer
"This isn't Him Colby!" I tell myself. I can't not....
I punch Sam straight in the face, making him fall backwards. I jump on top of him and start punching him repeatedly, before Corey and Jake pull me off of him. I look down at Sam to see he had a bloody face... realizing what I had done I get out of their grip and run to my room and slam the door.
I slide down the door and begin to cry.
"Why did I do that..." I whisper


We arrive at the restaurant after a REALLY long REALLY quiet ride.
"Out" He says, exiting the car and shutting the door.
I take a deep breath before exiting the car as well.
We entered the restaurant and apparently Cole has reserved us a privacy party room.

The waiter takes us to the room and closes the privacy doors.
"What are you gonna get?" He says, looking at the menu.
I think of what to say...
"Answer!" He demands.
"I-I'm gonna get the Alfredo with a-a root beer" I answer.
He smirks "okay"

My hands start to shake and I look around and spot a camera in the far corner of the room, making me smile a lil.
"Don't even bother. I snuck in here last night and disabled the camera" he says, not caring to look up from the menu.
My smile fades and the fear returns.
The waiter returns and takes our orders, as I try my best to stay calm.
When he leave so let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
"Look I know what's your doing" I say in as brave a tone as I was gonna give.
"And That is?" He says.
"Your stealing my friends minds" I say.

He chuckles and takes a sip from his drink. "You see unlike y'all. We need to feed on more than just, raw meet.
We need their minds, it's like our fuel, and when you and your friends came I thought, I need more. So when you and Colby left for your performance, I made my move.
I put a physic imprint on them" he gestured To the 7 gems he was wearing on his neck "so I could take their mind over completely. I couldn't take Colby's mind though.. he has some sorta.. mind block I guess that prevented me from taking his."
I scoff "so you just went after them?"

He shakes his head "you, actually. Your mind is.. special. It has some sort of connection to you and! your powers. So I couldn't just.. imprint on you, no... I have to be present with you.
Think of it as WiFi, you gotta be present with it to connect"

I roll my eyes "so what. You couldn't have just taken mine? And not there's?" I ask.

He shakes his head "your like Colby. It's all about the mind.. so you have a block.
But unlike! Him. Since you have a better human connection with your mind, you can take it down." He says.
"And why would I do that?" I ask. Sitting back in my seat.
"Because if you do I'll let your friends minds go-

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