[Chapter 44]

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*Colby's Pov*

We have been exploring for the past few hours how and I have been keeping a close eye on Layla.
Ever since me and the guys agreed after what Jake saw we shouldn't leave Layla alone, I've been so anxious about what could happen to her. I mean Cole and David almost killed all of us! And she literally expects me to just forget about all of it? I'm sorry but I can't shake that thought out of my head.. even if it might result in us fighting again. I can't afford to lose her
"Should we start heading back now? It's getting kinda late"  I say looking down at
my phone.
Everyone agreed.
"Okay I'll fly up and see if I can see the fire from here. Y'all stay out till I come back" Layla says as she sprouts her wings and takes flight
"Wait!" I yell just in time before she fly's over the tree's. "Yeah!?"
I don't want you to go alone in fear David or Cole are here and planning to attack you
"B-be careful?" I give her a small smile. She returns it with one of her own and fly's
I let out a loud sigh and slide down on a tree. "Yo you good man?" Jake asks, taking a seat next to me.
I shake my head no "I'm worried about
"Because of Cole and David? I though her and David were getting along now?" He questioned. "They are but... I don't know I just don't trust him. God I sound so selfish right now: I should be happy that their reconnecting. But instead I'm complaining" I groan.
"Boy your not complaining. Your worried your girlfriend is gonna killed by someone who has tried killing her and all of us in the past, I would be the same way!"
"But-" I was cut off by a blood curling scream ripping through the air.
We immediately jump up "Corey!?"
"I got her! She's Near the falls!" He yells, pointing north
We all morph and start running that direction. I passed everyone up and ran ahead. Not stopping.
The sound of crashing water grows as we near the falls. The thought of Layla getting caught in the rapids appears in my mind, causing me to pick up speed.
I stop in my tracks as I see the falls and Layla across the river. She was laying on the ground, arms grasping her stomach.
I'm gonna have to jump, knowing if I don't make it I'll get swept away by the
I slowly back away and take of in a sprint, using m hind legs to launch me over the stream. I'm not gonna make it.
I morph back to human and grasp onto the ledge, stopping my body from being carries away. I pull myself up onto the hard ground and crawl over to Layla
"Layla!" I yell, carefully hovering over her.
"My Side" she groans, lifting her hands up from her waist, revealing a huge gash with a small spear sticking out of it.
I hiss "oh god.. I-I'm gonna have to remove it" I say.
She nods and leans her head Back, preparing for the pain.
I carefully get ahold of the object and pull it out, causing a small scream to leave her lips.
She slowly sits up but I carefully lean her back down "no no no, you were just shot by a spear! Your not gonna be walking" I tell
A spear
A weapon only a human can wield, unless someone trained a monkey to do it, that was no accident.
"Oh my god Layla!" Kat yells as everyone rushed to her side "what happened!?"
"Oh y-you know. A spear was thrown into my side." She laughed it off, making me roll my eyes.
"Wait a spear?" Sam questioned. I nod and pull him to the side.
"You don't think-" "I do think... David and Cole" I cut him off.
He let out a sigh "but how? We're like 5 hours away from home how would they know we were here?"
"I'm guessing Layla probably told David? If not then they we're spying on us. Which is not good" I state
"Uhh Colby?" Liza calls in a worried tone. I quickly run back over to them.
She points to Layla's cut. It was surrounded by a green rash like moss.
"What the hell?" I lean next to her "Layla.. do you, feel okay?" I ask.
She nods "yeah? Why?"
"Your cut it has.. some sort of rash surrounding it"
"What?" She picks her head up and looks at it "weird? It's probably just dirty from the fall. Corey?"
He nods and hovers his hands over the wound. Shutting his eyes.
I seem to always forget that he has that power.
The wound starts to glow green, causing Layla to hiss "stop stop!" She pushed Corey's hand away "it stings"
"Really? That's weird?" Corey mumbles to himself.
"Guys stop worrying. Corey's powers are probably just on the fritz or something.. I'm f.i.n.e!" She stands up and wobbles around before I catch her "how about we let sam teleport us back and you can rest" I suggest.
She nods and almost immediately we are back at camp.
I carefully lay Layla down in a tent and tell her to rest while I have Liza fix her wound up with our first Aid.
I exit the tent "guys this isn't good" I whisper.
They all gree "If David and Cole are here they aren't up to any good. Meaning we have to leave" Tara say's.
I look to the tent then back to the guys "no.. this trip is too important to Layla. She won't agree to leaving. And trust me I want to leave just as much as y'all do.. but we can't"
They All nod. "What if.. I can cast a spell around the camp to protect it?" Corey suggest.
"Umm how are you suppose to do that? Unless you know a irl Harry Potter I don't think any spells will be cast today" Jake laughed.
"As a matter a fact.. I do! Know a irl Harry Potter. I'll be right back" he smiles and runs off into the woods.
"Okay??? While he's doing that... what should we do?" Sam asks.
I think for a moment until I hear rustling coming from the tent then Liza climbs out.
"How is she?"
"She herself is fine but.. Colby her rash is spreading" she tells me, a worried look on her face.
I let out a sigh "do you have any Idea what they did to her?" She shook her head "I've seen David make a lot of weird things but I've never seen him throw a spear with poison. I honestly don't think it was them"
"Then who could have done it?"
Corey appeared back from the woods "I know how to cast the spell!" He cheered
"Great! Do it!"
"But first everyone needs to find stones as surround the camp in a circle"
We do as told and almost immediately the spell was cast
It's weird. It's almost like invisible glass if that makes any sense
"Now all we do is wait..."

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