[Chapter 40]

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(A/n: were so close to 2k! LETS DO IT FAM!)

*couple days after*

"YOU SUCK!" I yell at Jake, I had just found out he had eaten all of my Oreos "IM SORRY! YOU PUT THEM ON THE COUNTER AND I WAS HUNGRY!" He tried defending himself.
I groan "but they were mineeee. Now you need to go buy me some more" I grin.
He shakes his head "Nope. Not doing that" he crosses his arms.
I glare at him "now"
"Ugh fineeeeeeee" He raises his hands in defeat. He grabs his keys and walks out the door.
I smile and walk over to the couch taking a seat next to Colby.
He kisses my forehead "whatcha doing babe?" He asks smiling.
I giggle "I made Jake go buy me more Oreos since he ate mine" I tell him.
He high fives me "nice. OH! By the way! Your manager called and told me to tell you that you have a meeting today a 5"
I nod "fun!"
"Oh cheer up! I'm taking you out to dinner tonight" he smiles.
"Aww really?" "Yup! Italian, your favorite"
I give just a hug "your the best" we part "ok well I'm gonna go take a nap so I'll stay awake during the meeting. Though it's gonna be ReAlLy! Hard" I laugh, standing up.
He nods "okay, I'll make sure no one bothers you"
I thank him and walk over to my room, face planting on my pillow. I hear a ding, causing me to lift my head up and look at my phone.

David: I wanna meet up

I groan. I've been getting text's from him every since we moved here. It's annoying

Me: why?

David: cause I want to get to know you sis

Me: don't call me that

David: why? You are my sister aren't you?

Me: yeah, but I don't want to be, so don't call me it

David: geez, Someone's grouchy

Me: you ARE aware you and Cole almost killed me and you've tried taking my powers twice! For world destruction, right?

David: yeahhhhhh. But I wanna get to knowwww you.

Me:🙄 fine. But I swear if you try anything I will NOT hesitate to stab your eyes out with my claws

David: noted. What bout tmr? 12 p.m?

Me: sure. I gtg now. Bye

David: bye sis!☺️


I shut off my phone and set it on my counter. Why would he want to talk? And why did I say yes!?
Ugh. I shut my eyes and slowly drift off into a nice peaceful sleep

*jakes pov*

"Now you need to go buy me some more" I mock Layla, walking through the cookies isle.
I quickly grab an Oreo packet and put it in my bag.
"Okay so meat. Anything else we need?" Someone asks from the isle next to me. Cole?
"Yup! But we have to get it back at the cave" someone else responds. David?
I peek my head around the corner to see the two holding a basket full of meat. They look my way and I quickly turn away.
I'm guessing they didn't see me cause they never approached me. They just walked off and payed, leaving the store.

I quickly sent a text to Colby

Me: do you know where Layla is!?

Colby: yeah? Sleeping, why?

Me: David and Cole are in town. And their making something

Colby: what? What are they making?

Me: idk!? All I heard was they had meat and the other ingredients were at David's cave?

Colby: okay. I'll keep and eye on Layla, especially since we're going  on a date tonight

Me: okay, I gtg now bye

Colby: ttyl! Thanks for the info😉


I laugh and shut off my phone, stuffing it in my pocket. I pay up front and leave the store, making my way back home.

*Layla's pov*

I'm awoken by my Alarm. I groan and shut it off, sitting up from my bed. I look around and see my room completely as I left it. I don't know why I was expecting a change.
I check the time and see it's 4:20. Just enough time to get cleaned up and head out.
I hop up out of bed and turn in some music *play music above*, dancing around to it and singing along.

I get dressed and touch up on my makeup. I grab my bag and head outside to the main living room where everyone was watching Family guy on the TV. "I'm heading out guys!" I yell to the walking towards the door.
"Wait!?" Colby Jumps up from his seat and runs to me "is your body guard gonna be there?"
I slowly nod "yeah? Why?"
He looks around "j-just making s-sure" he stutters.
I slowly nod, planting a kiss on his cheek "okay! Bye guys! See y'all later" I yell. I heard a serious of okays and see ya laters.
I hop in my personal drivers car and tell him the coordinates of where we were going.
He nods and starts driving.

Well... off to a boring meeting

*Colby's pov*

"Guys we got a problem" I say, pressing pause on the TV.
"What is it?" Corey asks.
"Jake and Cole are in town" I tell them. All their eyes widen "what are they doing now?" Liza ask's.
I shrug "don't know? Jake said he saw them at Ralph's and they were buying meat and were talking about making something. I don't know what tho?"

"Well we better watch Layla. We all know she's all they want" Tara add's.
I nod "that's why I expect her to never be alone. I'm counting on y'all to always be with her. Like a buddy system!"
They all nod "I-If we do happen to run into David and.. Cole. What do we do?" Sam asks, worry very clear in his voice.
"Jus get away. Protect Layla. Find a way out"
He takes a deep breath and nods.

I understand why he would be scared. I mean they did almost kill him, no one just... forgets that. But he's gonna have to learn how to get over his fears.. for Layla's sake.

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