[Chapter 26]

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I guess I can... for now

"Ok fine" I say. He smiles

"Great! Now how about we go catch us some lunch?" He says.
I smile and nod
"Ummmmm hello?" Sam says catching our attention.
"Oh. Right... here let me help" Cole says, walking over to them.
Sam scoots away, declining Cole's help "no it's fine... I got it" he glares at him.
Colby helps Sam up and brushed the dirt off his shoulder.
"Yo Cole" one of his buddy's say "we got some kangaroos heading east".
Cole nods, before looking to me "lady's first" he say.
I grin and roll my eyes before turning and shaking my wings a lil.
"Race you" Cole says, before turning and taking off.
I smile and chase after him.
I soon catch up to him, but I ain't gonna lose. I spread my wings and shoot myself forward.
I look behind me and see that he's all the way behind me along with the others.
I turn my attention back forwards and see a Grassy clearing coming up ahead.
That must be where the kangaroos are.

I come to a stop, just in time because Cole just caught up.
He looks at the kangaroos before his eyes turn green, he must be using his powers.
I look back at the kangaroos and see that they're all shaking their heads, trying to get focused.
Cole looks at me before gesturing for me to go get the kill.
I always hated this part, but I need to eat.
I take off and get 3 kangaroos.
Everyone catches up to us and smiles at the meal me and Cole had just caught, before digging in.
I turn into a hybrid since I didn't feel like eating as a wolf. I ain't as savage as everyone else.
I take a seat and look down at the leg I had sitting in front of me.
Someone takes a seat next to me and I look to see Cole.
"Hi" I say.
He smiles "hello"

"Nice job with disorienting the kangaroos" I compliments him, taking a bite of my meat. He shrugs "it's no big deal". I shake my head and laugh "yeah it is! It's a really cool power" I say.

"And what shall your power be?" He asks.

Should I really be telling him this? I mean he seem trustworthy enough? I guess I can.

"Well I have multiple" I respond, he raised an eyebrow I'm confusion "name your coolest ones" he say.

"Ok um.. mind control, illusions, oh! And shapeshifting" I say with a smile on my face.
"Ooooh do demonstrate!" He says excitingly, taking a bite of his meat.

"Ok"!I respond, standing up.

I look into his eyes and they suddenly turn red
"Stand up" I demand, his body jumps upwards like a rag doll
"Now do the Macarena"
He starts doing the Macarena, making me laugh
"Ok ok I get it!" He yells.
I release him from my control and his eyes go back to his normal color:
He plops back into cross cross on the floor, "ok now illusions"

I focus and make a diamond butterfly appear in front of Cole. As the wings flap, little sparked fill the air. It lands on his nose, making him laugh.
The butterfly turns to diamond mist and Cole laughs again "that.. is very cool! Ooooh do shape shifting!"

I look around and see a small mouse crawling in the bushes.
I close my eyes and think for a second before my body soon morphs into a small mouse.

I close my eyes and think for a second before my body soon morphs into a small mouse

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"Awwwwww" Cole says, putting his hand Down for me to crawl on. He lifts me up and gets a good look at me "you.. are a very! Cute mouse" he smiles
I manually laugh before he sets me down and I return back to human form

"That's very cool" he says.
I laugh and take a seat next to him.

"Tell me about yourself" I ask.
He shrugs "ok. Umm I'm originally from America. I moved here about a year ago, that why I still have this accent." He say. "Cool, why'd you move?" I ask.
"Just felt like I wasn't wanted."

I frown "I can't see you not being wanted" he smiles "Thanks"
"No problem"

I look over and see that everyone had already eaten and was now human and talking.
only Colby was just staring at us, with an almost angry expression on his face. Could he be jealous? He shouldn't be. I mean me and Cole are only friends, and even then! We're barely friends.
"Does anyone know the time?" I call out.

"Uhhhh 2pm" Liza yells, I nod.
"Shoot I have a dress fitting" I say looking down.
"A dress fitting?" Cole asks "what are you a princess?".
I giggle and roll my eyes "no it's for a performance tomorrow" I say standing up.

"Oooooh can I come?" He asks, resting his head on his hands.
I laugh "you don't even know what it's for". He shrugs "well if your gonna be in it I wanna see it. No matter what the performance is"
I blush "here, pass me your phone" I say.
He nods and hand me his phone. I punch in my number


And hand him back his phone.
"We'll talk" I grin, before turning.

I gesture for my friends to follow, before taking off.
We make it up the hill and I look back to Cole.
"AWOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo" I howl, he smiles, and I continue to run down the hill.


We make it back to the apartment and we're all sitting on the couches.
"What just happened..." Corey's asks, staring at the wall with Devyn cuddled next to him.
"Well let's see. We went to go eat some kangaroo lunch. Layla was attacked. I defended her. Sam defended me. Sam got hurt. Then Layla had a nice little chat with the enemy, and went on a little lunch date" Colby says in a sarcastic tone.
I roll my eyes "it wasn't a lunch date. We just got to know eachother a little more" i shrug.
"Over lunch?" He says. "Y'all were there! It wasn't a date" I argue
"Well I don't trust him. He tried to hurt you, and ended up hurting my best friend" he says looking to Sam, who was holding onto his hurt arm.
"Can't Corey fix it?" I ask.
"I tried. But since these wolves are of a different breed they have different magical properties than us. So it'll have to heal on its own" Corey says.
I sigh "let me see." I say standing up and walking over to Sam.
"Hey were not done here!" Colby yells.

I shake me head "yes we areeee" I sing. I bend down and look at Sam's arm.

"There are other ways to heal wounds other than magic" I say, standing up and walking to my room.
I grab my suitcase and grab the first aid, before walking back to the main room.

"Come on sam" I say, setting the kit on the countertop.
Colby helps Sam get up and walks him over to the counter, sitting him down on the stool.
"Does your leg hurt as well?" I ask, he nods "and my head. But not like I hit it. It's more of a burning sensation" he says.
I nod and wrap his arm in a cast
"How do you know so much about treating wounds?" Sam asks, wincing as I put an antibiotic on the scratch on his face.

I chuckle "I spent a lot! of time in the woods" I say simply. He nods and inspects the cast.
"Choose a color" I say, lifting up a black, and blue wrapping.
"Ooooh black!" He says, I nod and wrap up his arm.
He moves it around "Thanks" I nod.

"Ok now your leg" I say bending down even more. "Pls lifts up your jeans" I ask, he does as told
"Huh" I say.

"What?" Sam asks worried.
"There's Uhh... a scratch" I say reaching for
The antibiotic and magnifying glass.

"Whats wrong with it?" Sam asks, looking down at his wound.
The scratch was almost normal. Except for there were green glowing veins branching under it.
"It's uhhh... probably nothing" I say "give me a minute"

I walk back to my room and call the only person who might know what to do

*beep beep beep*


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