[Chapter 27]

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"Hi Cole!" I greet him
"Oh hey Layla"
"Hi I have a question"
"Ok well shoot"
"So Sam, the person you... attacked. Had a scratch wound on his leg. It has like.. green veins branching under it. I was wondering if you know how to treat it?"
"Oh uhhhh... you see that's poison"
"NO NO ITS NOT DEADLY! Don't worry!"
I let out a sigh of relief
"Then what do you mean by poison?"
"It's almost like a disease. It's not deadly but it can't be reversed"
"Well what is it gonna do to him!?"
"It'll turn him into— aAn-D"
Oh no he's breaking up!?
"H-EllLOo!?—-I —!cAn-an"


I groan and throw my phone on the bed, before returning back to the main room.

"Just go get some rest... I'm sure it's nothing" I tell Sam.
He nods and Colby and Kat help him to his room. Colby returns and takes a seat on the couch as well.
"You think Cole did this to him?" He asks:
I shake my head "he didn't"

"How do you kno-" "he didn't!"

"Why are you trying to defend him!?" "Why are you trying to make him look like the criminal when there is no proof that he is!"

"Guys calm down!" Jake yells, catching all of our attention "Look Colby there is no proof that Cole's the reason Sam's wound looks like that. And Layla Colby is just trying to keep you safe. Especially after he already hurt sam"

"Again... wasn't his fault"

"Shush!" Jake yelled "apologize"

I roll my eyes "fine. I'm sorry" Colby says.

"I'll only apologize if Colby promises to not try to make Cole seam like a bad guy" I say crossing my arms.
He scoffs "sorry can't do that"

"Then I sorry as well. Cause I can't apologize" and with that I stood up and walked over to Sams room.
Sam was already asleep and Kat was snuggled next to him, playing with his hair.
"How is he." I ask.
She shrugs "in pain"

"You know he likes you right?" She asks. I give her a confused look "Colby" She says.

I roll my eyes and scoff "no he doesn't"

"You have to be the! Most oblivious person I know." She laughs quietly, trying not to wake sam "he doesn't like that you and Cole went on a "date"" she says "he's obviously jealous"

I laugh "I doubt it".

I timer goes off on my phone, I sigh "I got to go to my dress fitting. Call if anything happens with Sam?"

She nods and I leave the room.
I grab my back and open the front door "I'll be back!"

There were a series of okays and then I left.


I'm finally back at the apartment and I'm exhausted! I spent 7! Hours at rehearsal and dress fitting. Not fun!
I finally grab the key from my wallet and open the door. Only to be met with something I didn't expect to see.
Everyone besides Liza, and Colby were wolves and were chasing, who I'm thinking, is Sam.
But something different... Sam has.. HORNS!? I gasp, the poison.
Sam was going crazy, knocking things down, teleporting everywhere!?
I have to stop this.
I use my mind and make everyone freeze in place.
I walk over to Sam and look into his eyes, his eyes start to slowly shut. Putting him in a deep sleep, but he turn back to human before
I release everyone, but slowly lay  sam on the couch.
Using all that energy drained me. I take a seat and catch my breath.
Once I catch it everyone is surrounding me. "What happened while I was gone!?" I ask.

"Well after you left everything was ok until about maybe 30 minutes ago. Sam started scratching and clawing in his sleep. We tried to make him up but he just wouldn't. Then he eyes popped opened and they were green. Next thing that we know he's all wolfed out and going crazy" Colby says, catching his breath.
"Hmm" Sam grumbled, squirming around before he jolts upwards and is gasping for air.
We all rush to him. He's sweating like a dog(no pun intended) and is very pale.
"Sam Sam are you ok!?" I ask franticly.

He takes deep breaths in and lays back down "I—- I don't know" he says.

"You need to teleport Cole here. He can help" I say
"Nu uh! No way that psycho is coming he-"
"Shut it! He's coming And that's it!"

"I— I c-can try" Sam says. He closes his eyes and showily lifts his arm up. He snaps his finger and suddenly Cole pops up right in front of us.
Colby growls and grabs Cole by the collar "look buddy you messed with MY bestfriend and now your gonna pay for it" he grumbled.
I push Colby off of Cole "Colby stop! And Cole you did something to Sam now reverse it" I demand.
He nods and turns to Sam, before sighing "it's too late. He's already too far in the transformation to reverse it" I glare at him "BUT ITS OK!" He yells.
"He's not gonna die or get hurt! He's just turning into one of us" he says.
"Explain" I demand.
"Well here in Australia we have a different breed of wolf since we aren't native to his place. We had to adapt, aka the horns. What they do is disorient people and creatures, but they also can take full control of people"

"Like mind control? Similar to what I have?"
He shakes his head and shrugs "sort of. What you do it control their movements and can put thought in people's heads, or just block some in general. We! Can remove thoughts completely and put our own in"
He explain.
"So y'all basically replace thought with some similar to y'all own?" Corey asks.

"Precisely... now by any chance has Sam here had any little episode... like going crazy by chance?" Cole asks. We all nod "well that was his body reacting to the poison. Or as we like to call it, transformation"

"But it won't hurt him at all right?" I ask. He shakes his head "not at all"

I let out a sigh of relief
"Thanks Cole"

"Anything for you Layla" he says with a warm smile.

"Ok ok ok that's enough thank you Cole but you can leave now" Colby says pushing Cole out the door.
"But colb-" "Nope sorry it's very late! And were all tired so bye!"

"Ok bye Lay—!!!" *SLAM!*

"What is your deal with Cole!?" I ask. "I don't know what your talking about" he says, acting like nothing happened.
"So you call pushing someone out the door nothing?!"

"Look Layla I don't! Trust! That! Guy! And I don't think you should be talking to him"

I scoff "first off you don't control me.. and
Second maybe your the one I shouldn't be talking to" I walk to my room and slam the door.
I hear multiple things get thrown in the kitchen, but I choose to ignore it.
I lay down and watch some TV before soon falling asleep.
Think about only one thing

•Why does Colby hate Cole so much

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