[Chapter 21]

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(A/n: decided to post twice cause why not☺️)

*Layla's pov*
It's currently 7:45 so I have about an hour and 15 min. Till my performance.
It's a really! Big stadium and it's completely sold out, which makes my heart melt just at the thought.
At the moment I'm in my dressing room getting my outfit ready

At the moment I'm in my dressing room getting my outfit ready

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It's so! Beautiful.. but it's missing something.
"I bought you something!" Kat yells as she, Tara, Liza, and Dev burst through the room.
"Umm Miss your not suppose to be in he-" I cut my designer off
"It's ok" I say "what did you buy me?" I ask.

She hands me a gold box.
I raise an eyebrow and look at them, they each have an excited look on their faces.

I open the box

"Omg" I whisper "it's beautiful" I say looking at them

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"Omg" I whisper "it's beautiful" I say looking at them.
"Here let me put it on you" Kat says, I nod.

She clips it into my hair and I look into the mirror. "I love it. Thank you guys" I say.
They all squeal "no problem!"
"How goes the song?" Liza asks.
I smile and grab my journal "see for yourself" I say, handing it to them.

"Oh my god it's perfect" "it's amazing" "if he doesn't accept This apology I don't know what's wrong with him" "Colby's gonna love it"
I blush at his name "y'all think so?"
They all nod.
"Ok we're gonna head back. Wanna join?" Dev asks.
I nod "um yeah. I need to grab something for Sam anyways" I say standing up.

"Ugh I hate heals" I whine making them laugh

We arrive backstage where all the boys are sitting. Jakes watching sponge bob on his phone, Coreys talking with sam, and Colby's just sitting there tapping his foot.
"Ahem" Tara clears her throat, catching all their attention.
Now all eyes are on me "omg Layla. You look Gorgeous!" Sam says standing up. "Omg my child" Corey says, putting his hands over his mouth.... being over dramatic as usual.
"You look great!" Jake says, he lifts up his toy "beautiful" he says imitating a Shrek voice, making me giggle.
"Thanks guys" I look to Colby. He's just staring, looking at every detail of my dress, hair, and makeup.
"Layla your on in 30" one of the stage hands tells me. I smile and nod.
"I'll be back" I say, walking away.
I head to a little room with a printer.
I need to get Sam the music sheets.

As I click print someone approaches behind me "hey".
I turn to see Colby "oh.. hi" I smile.

"I'm just... wishing you luck" he says with a smile. I shoot him a confusing look "what?" He asks.
"Nothing... it's just.. you've been happy today. I'm just wondering why" I say.
"Why is it so bad that I'm in a good mood!?" He asks.
I shake my head "it's not! It's just you've been in a.. not so good mood with me for the last week, which I understand completely, but I was just wondering why all of a sudden your acting like this"
"Like what!? Happy! Cheerful! Peachy!?"He yells.
"Yes Colby! No need to yell!" I yell back.

He sighs and leans on the counter, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
I sigh "look I'm sorry" I apologize.
"You don't have to be sorry" he tells me.
"Yes! I do" I argue "I've been nothing but horrible to you and I need you to be angry at me , cause if your not angry than that means that your holding things in and that isn't good for you! So pls! Scream! Yell! Do something!"
"I'm ok! I promise'" he yells with a big smile on his face, but a tear falling from his eye..
"That's not the truth" I say.
He shankes his head "Layla"

"No I need to you feel something!"

"You want me to feel something!? WELL FINE! I'm upset with you! I'm upset with myself for letting that happen to you! I'm SO! Angry at you for what you said to me and how it made me feel, but I'm even MORE angry because I know that it wasn't your fault and I'm still upset with you! I don't understand why you said what you said! But I just know that even if it wasn't you it still came from YOU... and that's what hurt the MOST
It's like you got ahold of my heart and squeezed it until it shattered into a million pieces!
But what kills me most of all... is the betrayal.

Just the fact that you said that I was a horrible human being, and that I was a nothing , and that I meant absolutely nothing to you or anyone!
I thought you were different Layla.... I thought you were an amazing, sweet, loving, and kind girl..

But now all I see is a monster"
He walks away.

I stare at nothing... comprehending what he just said... and I'm not angry. Or upset. Or even the slightest bit annoyed.
Because I feel for him.
In a way I've never felt for anyone else.

"Layla, it's time" Mrs. Jones says entering and exiting the room.
I wipe the singular tear from my eyes and put my game face on.
I walk out and meet my friends. "Good luck!" "You'll do great!" "Break a leg! "So proud!" They all cheer for me.
I smile and nod. Me and Colby lock eyes. I give him a small smile before walking away to Sam.
I hand him the papers "I'll call you when you can come out" I reassure him.
He smiles and nods "it'll work for sure" he says.
I look at Colby.... then back to Sam "I sure hope so"


I stand right behind the curtain.. awaiting for my cue to head out.

"Please welcome! All the way from America!"
Here we go...

I walk out from behind the curtain and stare into the cheering crowds.

And the plan begins.......

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