[Chapter 47]

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*pic above is what I drew of the moon wolves in their wolf form... enjoy!!*

*Laylas pov*

I woke up to see everyone still asleep, besides the lone wolf sitting down, staring at the camp. I smile at the thought of Colby watching over us while we slept. It showed he really cared.
I slowly got off the hammock and walked over to him
"Hey colbs" I said, taking a seat next to him and petting his soft fur. He looked at me and smiled, licking my face allowing drool to stick on my cheek.
"Ewww colby" I laugh, wiping the slimy substance off of my cheek.
I grab a stick from beside me and wave it in front of him "wanna play?" I suggest.
He pants happily and runs in front of me, bending down in pounce position. His ears folded to the back of his head and he had his tongue sticking out.
I giggled and threw the stick, watching as he bolted to chase it. Apart from the pain I felt whenI extended my chest, I was quiet happy with just playing with him. Even under the circumstances of me maybe dying today based on how the trial goes. But you know, it's all good.
Colby brought it back to me and I immediately threw it again, this time in a different direction. He chased after it and stumbled to grab it but eventually locked it in his mouth and pranced back to me.
How about some fun?
I stand up, turn around, and throw it on top of Sam, who shuffled a lil but still stayed asleep. Colby looked at me but immediately smiled and ran towards Sams hammock, jumping on top of him and flipping him over. Sam immediacy fell, creating a large thud to come from beneath him as his body hit the ground.
I laughed hard and watched as Colby licked away the dirt from sam's face while smiling widely.
"Colbyyyyy" Sam whined, brushing dirt from his shirt "I'm all dirty now." I laughed and created a small tornado around Sam, blowing all the leaves and dirt off of him. When the small storm vanished Sam's hair was all poofed up and messy, causing me to laugh even harder, ignoring the pain coming from my stomach as I scrunched my chest."HAHAHA"
By that time everyone was up and looking at what we were doing.
"Why are y'all so loud!" "My beauty sleeeep" "I swear I can never sleep with y'all around" they all whined.
I smirked and wit a flip of my wrist I flipped all their hammocks over "I may be in pain but I can still control my powers pretty well" I said, flipping my hair to the side to make my comment seem more dramatic. When obviously I'm just playing around.
"Which reminds me" I look to see Colby now human again and brushing his hand through his hair "how are you feeling?"
I shrug "as long as I don't extend my stomach where the wound is, I don't really feel it." I tell him, and he nods in relief. "Hey don't worry, I'm okay! I promise today will go fine" I reassure him.
He smiles and gives me a gentle hug.
"Blah blah blah we get it y'all are adorable NOW! Can we go get food please" Jake begged as Tara hit his arm.
I laughed and nodded "yeah.. but stay high alert. They may be helping us now but we can never be to careful" I warn them.
"Okay!" And Jake runs off, everyone else behind him. Leaving just me and Colby.
"Are you sure your okay?" Colby asks, worry still clear in his voice.
I smile and place a kiss on his lips "I promise" he smiled and took my hand, guiding me through the woods and back to the camp.
We met back with everyone else and they were seated on logs surrounding a burnt out fire pit. Each hand a pice of cooked meat from what I'm assuming is deer, based on the smell.
"Well finally y'all decided to show up" Liza laughed "food's over there, go take ya'll's pick."
Me and Colby walk towards where she was pointed to see a fire still going and people cooking it.
They handed us each a piece and we walked back towards the ground and took a seat near Sam and Kat.
"So.. y'all nervous for later?" Corey asks me and Liza. We look at each other and shrug "their judging to see if we're good and don't pose a threat to them or this world. We should Be fine?" I question my own words.
She nods "yeah, I mean we haven't killed anyone, nor hurt any humans..they wouldn't have a reason to"
"Wait you never hurt anyone when you were still in David's pack?" Devyn ask's, Liza shook her head "no one did. We Couldn't do anything out of the cave unless we had our queen. It's Nightwing tradition"
I nod "what about now? Since David's their king" "well they could basically destroy the whole town right now if they wanted to. But I'm guessing since David wants your powers he's holding back on the whole world destruction"  "do you know what it is? The whole I'm more powerful than him thing? We all have the same powers, whats so special about me?" I took a bite of my meat just as she was gonna answer "your dad had the power to control other's powers. So he could basically stop other's from using their gifts to hurt people, or in his case, keep his pack in check. Since your his first born, you inherit the trait. David on the other hand, doesn't. He see's you as a threat wether you join the pack or not. All he wants it that power and once he gets it he will get rid of you"
My chest tightened a lil at that thought. Him wanting to kill me. I've hung out with him a few times since our lil zoo date and he's always acted normal. Then again, he's David, brother or not he's still dangerous.
Before I could respond back to Liza Katani appeared in front of us "the Trial will begin shortly. In the mean time we must take Layla and Liza with us to prepare them for the judgment ceremony. Don't worry they will not be harmed, we're just taking some precautions to ensure my people of their safety, in the mean time I urge y'all to prepare as well, get cleaned up in ya'll's wolf form. It's tradition for these kinds of things to happen when everyone is a
wolf" she instructs.
Me and Liza stand up and walk towards her "okay" I turn back towards everyone "y'all do as she say's..Soda we'll be fine" I re ensure them since they each look hesitant on letting us go with them alone.
These guys seem like very kind and gently people, other than the weapons of coarse. Plus they seem to like trust so I bet they wouldn't lie about hurting us for it would break, our trust.
I look at Colby "watch over everyone else?"
He smiles and nods, still keeping a straight face to give reinsurance. I walk over to him and place one last kiss on his lips like it would be my last, pulling away I look into his eyes and mouth "I'll be okay"
He nods and I walk back over to Katani and Liza "shall we?" Katani speaks.
She guides us to the back of the camp where there were vines, flowers, and other materials  suck as that.
"We must tie y'all wings up to ensure y'all don't try to cause any trouble, can I trust y'all not to use ya'll's powers during the ceremony?" She asks. We both nod "you can trust us Katani, we may seem dangerous but I promise we're not"
She tilted her head up slightly and mumbled "we'll see..." then she spoke normally "please morph"
We did as told and she carefully tied a vine around our stomach, binding our wings to our back. Thankfully she was gently and made them Not to tight for she knew I was still injured.
"Y'all will be cleaned and rinsed in the river if y'all would follow me" she guided us back towards the river that I was shot near and allowed us to jump in and splash around for a little while.
When we were both done with our fun we hopped out and shook the water off of our fur, making it poof out in a weird way.
I'm pretty sure I heard Katani laugh quietly to herself but quickly covered it up with a cough "now, I'm pretty sure Isadora is ready for us.. let us go"
We walked back to camp and went into a large tent where a wolf sat, eyes closed. Her fur was grayish with blue hints in random spots.
I looked to see Katani, who is also now a wolf,
Bowing her head to the elder.
Colby and the other walked in and when they saw me and Liza unharmed their faces calmed. Taking a seat in the corner they watched to see what was to happen next.
To say I am scared is honestly an understatement. I'm terrified, yes I know I am good at heart, but I have done bad things under the influence of David. Do those count? Even though I was being controlled with implanted thoughts and memories? Who knows...
The elder stood up and walked towards Liza, eyes still closed. I guess she's going first..

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