[Chapter 39]

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(A/n: QUICK NOTE! I don't think I ever thanked y'all for 1.5k... so THANK YOU ALL SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH!🥰💝💞💗💖💘💓

Ok back to the book)

"Ok come outtttt" Liza yelled from my room.
I walk out of the closet with my outfit for my date on
They all gasp "Layla you look amazing!"  Kat gushes

I blush "I don't know.. it's not really me"
They all shake their heads "Layla you look amazing! Colby's gonna love it. And it's good to get out of your comfort zone" Tara say's
I nod "yeah... ok" I look down at my phone "it's 6.. ahhhh I'm nervous.. IDK WHY!? I've been on a date with him before!?"
They all shrug before Liza stands up "you and beautiful, and Colby loves you. It will go great!"
I smile and nod, leaving the room and making my way to the garden.

The path down to the fountain was lit up with beautiful lights. It's absolutely beautiful.
I slide open the glass door, stepping into the cool breeze.
As I walk down the path I take in this breathtaking moment. The lights, the sounds, the warmth. Everything was just perfect.
When I make it down the path I see Colby, he's wearing one of his now or never hoodies, with two towels in hand.

I smile "Colby, this is.. amazing". "I reeeeally wanted to impress you" he chuckled.
"Well.. you did. I am impressed" I giggle
The trolly that lead down to the lake house arrived, and it's glass doors slide open
"M'lady" He say, gesturing for me to enter
I laugh, as we both walk into the glass box.
The ride down was silent, I guess we were both! Nervous. Hehe

When we make it down I look at the beautiful set up he had put together. There were candles all leading down the path to the Lake.
"Oh Colby..."

"I thought we could go for a swim" he laughed.
I laugh "ok... but I'm not that great a swimmer." I tell him
"Ill teach you"
I smile at him, he takes my hand and guide me down the path to the water shore.
He takes off his hoodie and I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly toned body.
"Better close your mouth.. your drooling" He teases me.
I shove his shoulder playfully "oh shut up. Don't act like you weren't staring at me when I walked out here" I laugh.
He shrugs "guilty as charged"

He runs and front flips into the water, splashing me. "COLBYY" I laugh.

"Come on in!" He yells "I'll catch you"

I back up slowly, then run into the water only to be caught by Colby. He holds my waist and slowly lowers me into the water
I try to put my foot in the ground but there WAS no ground
"Oh god it's it deep!" I laugh, latching onto Colby.
"Don't worry I got you" he hugs me, swimming around in the water. He takes me to a shallow end and sets me down on the muddy ground.
"Ok so let start with something easy. Floating"
I nod.
"So your gonna lay on your back and I'm gonna put my hands on your back for support, when I let go your gonna stay still. Ok?"
I nod,
"Ok lay on your back" he says in a soft tone. I do as told
He puts his hand in my back, sending shivers down my spine. and suddenly I'm moving throughout the water.
I stare up into the sky and look at the moon. Surrounded by the stars.
"Ok I'm gonna let go ok?" He asks

I take a deep breath and nod. His hand slowly leaves my body, and I'm floating on the calm water.
"That's it! Your doing it" he chuckles, smiling widely.
"This is amazing" I gush.

I stand back up and walk back over to him "your amazing"

He looks into my eyes, then down to my lips. I could see it in his eyes he wants to kiss me.
"Oh you've done it before" I laughed, smashing my lips onto his. His instantly ease into mine.
He puts his hands on my neck ever so gently, sending shivers down my whole body.
When we part I look into his ocean blue eyes, the way they match the water.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, I could hear the fear of my answer in his voice.
I nod, smiling widely "of coarse" I hug him. Wrapping my arms around his body. "You know how long Ive wanted to ask you that?" He asks me. Not braking the hug.
"I'm guessing awhile?" I answer, causing a fit of laughter from him.

"Yeah" He say, embarrassed a lil. "Well you know how long I've waited for you to ask me that?" I laugh.
He shrugs "probably awhile?". I laugh nodding.

rustling in the bushes next to us alert me of the obvious "is that?-" Colby starts, smiling like a maniac., I cut him off nodding

I lift my finger up, lifting all of the guys into the air. I carry them over the water and drop them.
Me and Colby fall into a fit of laugher "GUYS! WERE YALL SPYING ON US!?" I yell, laughing.
All the girls surface and tackle me "FINALLY!" "WEVE BEEN WAITING FOREVER!" "LOLBY IS REALLLLL!"
They all yell. I laugh "SHUT UPPP!"

When they all let go of me I look to see the guys all lifting Colby in the air, bouncing him up and down
"YOU AINT SINLGE NO MORE BOY!" They all yell. "LOLBY! LOLBY! LOLBY" they chant.
They throw Colby into the water and splash him. He, on the other hand dove under water and rose up next to Kat, whispering something in her ear.
She grinned and created a huge wave, crashing it down on all the guys.
They all come up gasping for air "HEY!" "NO FAIRRRR" "KATTTTT" they whined.
Colby dove back down under water and lifted me on his shoulders "Colby!" I laugh "put me downnnnnn"
He shakes his head and continues to walk around with me on his shoulders.

Our night ended after we all played around in the water, we all got into some comfy cloths and put on a movie down in the theatre room.
I snuggled up to Colby, feeling his warmth on my body.
"I love you.. Layla" he says, stroking my hair with his hands.
I look up to him "I love you too"


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