Episode 21 (Broken Promises)

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Hii friends your comments did touched my heart...
I really felt happy and i wish I wont bore you'll in the future with my story so buckle up to upcoming twists.....


Swara had reached Delhi in the midnight and was just waiting for the morning to arrive...

She wasn't able to sleep the remaining hours because she was too excited to meet Sanskaar....

Next morning...

Sanskaar wokeup as sunrays disturbed his sleep and he realised last night he forgot to put curtains...

He went and put curtains to the windows and went clumsily again to bed...
His eyes were half open all swollen because of crying...

He pushed himself on the bed again,
and checked his mobile to see some notification from Swara but it was showing blank...
His eyes formed sadness and anger at the same time...

He closed his eyes but his mind kept thinking....

Sanskaar pov
Is love this much painful? I wasn't this? I never felt this much pain ever even I had breakup but this pain is something else... its making my heart cry more and more...
Please God keep Swara safe wherever she is... and make me meet her... I miss her alot...

A tear drop fell from his eye...
Though he's trying to control himself but his breaking more and more...

At 11am...
Swara woke up...

She was feeling tired while getting up because of last night travelling... and was unable to open eyes
But as soon as she got remembered about Sanskaar that she has to meet him she immediately got up to freshen up...

Down Shekhar and Sharmishta were having breakfast...
Shekhar wasn't talking with Swara...

Sharmishta : shekhar I was thinking to atleast see in the matter of Swara... she's a grown up girl.. if she....

Sharmishta stopped and stammered for the lines : likes someone we should atleast know about that person...

Shekhar formed a little anger face..
Shekhar : why should we? She's still a child... What she know about the world!! And second thing Swara wont marry of her own wish... she'll only marry someone of my choice...

Sharmishta tried to argue...

Sharmishta : but atleast look into the matter... What the boy do? About his family and all... Maybe they would be good...

Shekhar : "Maybe" on this one word do you thing I would risk her life on that? Would you be able to make your daughter live like you lived?

Sharmishta looks surprisingly to him..
Sharmishta : Shekhar!! Bringing past again and again wont benefit you!

Shekhar : so better dont tell me about Swara I know what to do of her... She will only study and become a doctor if she cannot I'll send her abroad then...

Sharmishta thought how the time changed him in a cruel Man!

She quietly had her tea..

At that time Swara came down wearing white salwar suit and tying her hairs in braid looking truly simple but beautiful...❤💙

Shekhar saw her coming and put angrily his news papers on table to which she gulped...

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