Chapter 30 (Can We be together Again?)

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(Surprise update)

"I knew There's something going on between you both. The way you two were besties and suddenly stopped talking. But I wasn't sure if it was love"
Sanskaar said while drinking water.

"I too realised it too late. I want her to be mine now. I won't let her marry other man"
Arjun said gripping the glass tightly

"Dude take it easy. 5 years is a long time. She maybe fell out of love with you"

"Nope she still loves me"
Said Determined Arjun reminiscing of the fresh flashback which happened before he came to Sanskaar's house


Kajal was coming out of clinic where she worked but Arjun blocked her way

"What are you doing Arjun?"
She said angrily as he suddenly came in her way

"I'll drop you home"
He spoke with soft voice

"It's not needed and didn't I told you not speak to me?"
She said crossing her hands

"Why are you so charged lately? Can't you be little soft towards me? I am seeing after freaking 5 years you didn't even let me meet you before you went atleast let me talk to you now"
He said finally taking the burden from his heart

Kajal heart skipped a beat.

"Arjun I have no reason to listen you. I need to go somewhere urjently so move aside"
She said pushing him not wanting his fake feelings again

"I love you Kaajal"
He blurted out of no where

Kajal looked behind at him in shock

"I am sorry for hurting you that time. I was an idiot back then. I didn't realised by loosing you I lost my best friend too in that process."
He was left incomplete when she said

" And if I wouldn't have come back to India you wouldn't have realised your feeling too Arjun?"
She scoffed

"What do you think why I don't have any girlfriend Kajaal? You know after you left me I tried my every best to be in relationships and forget you but I couldn't replace you dumbo"
He said coming more close to her

"I tried every way to connect with you but it was really hard to get yor contact. I wished to just see you once. And now when I got it you are giving me a pain of lifetime. I am sorry for hurting but just give another chance Kajal to prove myself. To be a better partner to you"
He said joining his forhead with hers

His voice echoed sadness. He didn't cried but his voice did cracked a lot

"It's too late Arjun"
Kajal spoke these 4 words before tearing up infront of him

"It's really late to confess"
She spoke carressing his cheek and then ran away hiding her emotions

Flashback ends

"So she cried and you knew she loves you?"
Sanskaar rolls his eyes

"Yeah I have read girls cry only in front of their loved one's. And you don't know about girl's emotions despite falling in love?"
He said and regretted the other second to what he just spoke

"Sorry no personal attacks"
He quickly defended "but my actual point is she just got arranged to someone. And I can't let her go to any other jerk"

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