Chapter Two

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I was walking around the school escaping from class. I walked into a hallway I not usually in. I softly heard a beautiful melody of a piano in the distance. I slowly kept walking as the sound grew louder and closer. I then found out that the sound was coming from a room.

The door was slightly open. I tiptoed softly so the sound of my heels won't give me away. It was an empty room with an old piano in the center. I saw a girl. I didn't see who it was because her back was facing the door, blocking her face. She was humming along to the melody she was playing. There was no sheet music or anything. She was playing from her heart.

I was mesmerized by this. I could stand here and listen to this all day long if I could. The girl sighed and stopped playing. She turned around and gathered her stuff. I gasped quietly as the identity of the girl was revealed and hid away from the door.

Kim Dahyun.

I noticed her standing up, meaning she was on her way out. I quickly started speed walking, so I wouldn't get caught.

"Sana, is that you?" I heard her call from behind when she left the room. Shit, did she catch me?

I turned around and acted like I did nothing, "Hey, Dahyun!".

"What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" She asked me.

"I could ask you the same." I chuckled.

"I was in the bathroom. Did you hear the piano playing? That was really beautiful I wonder who was playing." She nonchalantly said. Why is she lying?

"O-Oh yeah! It was nice." I replied.

"Anyways, I have to go back to class. Bye, Sana." She waved.

Why did she lie about it? Why was she randomly playing an old piano when she was supposed to be in class? I didn't worry about it much and brushed it off.

Lunch finally came and Dahyun was sitting alone. It's been a week since the first day and she always sat alone. There's been many times where I would ask if I could sit with her but, she would always decline and said it was okay that she was alone.

I couldn't bare to see her like that. So, I gathered my stuff and moved to her table. I didn't even hesitate to ask her. She looked shocked but also confused on why I did that.

"Hey." I said.

"H-Hi, what are you doing?" She asked.

"Sitting with you. I can't see you alone like this." I replied. She smiled at me.

"Do you want a piece of my cookie?" I asked as I broke off a piece of my chocolate chip cookie.

"Sure, thank you." She responded and took the piece.

"It's no problem. Tell me about yourself, Dahyun. I want to learn more about you." I said.

"Well, I'm a shy person at first but I slowly break out of my shell the more you get to know me. I play the piano in my free time and I like to listen to music." She replied.

"Interesting! I'm a more modest and posh person, I guess. I sing sometimes and I love to go shopping." I said. Dahyun smiled once again and continued to eat. Her smile is really pretty.

"Sana! Who's this cutie?" Nayeon asked as she sat down. I gasped a little bit since she caught me off guard. I saw everyone else move to the same table. I glanced at Dahyun. Her face turned red and she's looking down.

"Everyone, This is Kim Dahyun." I introduced.

"Hello! I'm Im Nayeon. I'm the oldest here." Nayeon said.

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