Chapter Twenty

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Seven years.

It's been seven years since Sana and Dahyun fell apart. Dahyun has been beating herself up about it for months. But, she then realized that sulking over a loved one won't get you anywhere. She fixed herself up in time for graduation. She did follow Sana's orders of never contacting her again. It was hard and tempting but she never did it. Dahyun however has been keeping in touch with Momo but she never mentioned Sana.

The girls graduated high school together. Nayeon and Jeongyeon started dating at the end of their senior year. They both now live together in an apartment. Momo owns a dance academy in Japan. Sana is a fashion designer. Jihyo met a guy named Daniel during college and now are happy together. Mina went to a dance college and is now a ballerina. She and Chaeyoung started to get really close during college years and they started to date. They are now living together. Dahyun went to college and graduated. She didn't meet anyone special maybe it's because she never really got over Sana. She now runs a coffee shop named "Likey Cafe". Tzuyu went to a modeling school and met a girl named Elkie. They are both dating. They all hang out together once and awhile.

What happened to Joy? Dahyun and Joy actually had a long talk with each other and are now on good terms. Joy has changed for the better.

It's present day and Dahyun woke up bright and early to start her daily routine. She gets up at around 7:15am everyday. She washes her face and goes out for a quick morning jog. Then, she hops into the shower and eats a good breakfast meal. Likey Cafe opens at 8:30 so she has to be there at least fifteen minutes before opening time to get the shop all set up.

The distance between her apartment complex and the coffee shop is walking distance. It takes about 5-10 minutes to walk to the coffee shop. Same with walking back. While walking, Dahyun received a call from Chaeyoung.

"Hey bro!"

"Bro! What's up?"

"Mina's busy today so I have the whole apartment to myself."

"Is that a good thing?"

"I don't know, I'll be so bored."

"Hmm, how about you stop by at the cafe later? I'm actually on my way there."

"That's great! I'll see you soon."

"Alright, bye!"

Dahyun hung up and continued to walk to her destination.

"Thanks again, Yiren, for taking over for awhile while I talk with Chaeyoung," Dahyun said to Yiren, an employee.

"Oh, it's no problem! I like Chaeyoung so it's okay," Yiren replied with a sweet smile.

"Even more than me?" Dahyun asked with aegyo. Chaeyoung laughed and hit Dahyun's shoulder because she was cringing.

Yiren laughed along, "Yes, more than you,"

Dahyun started to pout. Yiren shook her head and went back to work since another customer has entered.

"So, how's everything?" Dahyun asked.

"Everything's great! A little hectic but it's been great," Chaeyoung replied, "What about you?"

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