Chapter Nine

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We're at lunch. I love lunch because I get to spend an amazing time with my eight best friend, well seven best friends because one of them is my girlfriend. Anyways, Dahyun and I haven't told the girls about our relationship yet. We figured it was a good time to tell the girls.

"Um you guys, Dahyun and I have something to say," I started off.

"We are," Dahyun intertwined our hands, "dating."

Everyone had a shocked face except, Momo. She was cheering and clapping which kind of made me a little embarrassed.

"That's right! My sister is dating a girl!" Momo exclaimed. I turned bright red.

"Awh, congrats you guys!" Mina said.

Jihyo raised up her juice box, "Cheers to the new couple!"

"Cheers!" We all chuckled.

Our laughs slowly died when we heard someone coming up towards us. We looked up and saw Joy slowly clapping with a cheeky grin on her face. I looked over at Dahyun, who was so petrified.

"New couple, huh?" Joy said.

"Joy, stay away." Dahyun softly said while looking down.

"Oh, Dahyun did you say something? Or did you replace me with a sl-"

"JOY, STAY THE FUCK AWAY!" Dahyun growled. She got everyone's attention and the whole cafeteria went silent.

"Why did you follow me here? Why did you come back into my life when I purposely moved to get away from you?!" Dahyun let out. She released her grip of my hand and I got scared. What is happening?

"I'm always number one, Dahyun. Your father didn't quite understand that." Joy said in a soft voice while being inches away from Dahyun's face.

That was the last straw of Dahyun. She swung her arm and punched Joy right in the face.

No one's POV

"Dahyunie, stop!" Sana cried.

Jeongyeon and Tzuyu held her back while Jihyo and Chaeyoung held Joy back.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" Dahyun screamed.

"You ruined my life, Joy! Do you know how hurt I was?! You fucked me up!" Dahyun cried out.

Joy violently released herself from Jihyo and Chaeyoung's grip and stomped out of the cafeteria. Dahyun fell to her knees and sobbed. Sana rushed over to her and wrapped her arms around her. She held Dahyun's hands and examined her bruised knuckles from punching Joy. She kissed them.

"Dahyun-ah.." Sana whispered.

"I-I'm sorry." Dahyun sniffled. Sana pulled her into an embrace. Dahyun sobbed on her shoulder.

"There's nothing for you to be sorry about. You don't need to tell me the story, you're too hurt," Sana comforted.

"N-No... I can't hold this in anymore," Dahyun stuttered, " I have to let this out now."

"When I was young, I never really had friends. I only had Joy with me. She was my best friend ever since we were little toddlers. We've been side by side for so long. It's always been DahJoy. The only other people who cared for me the same way as Joy did was my mother and my father."

"I was really attached to my father. He was my role model. He was a wise and laid back man. He was very calm and comforted me throughout the worst. Joy was secretly jealous of how close I was with my father. She wanted me all to herself. She was obsessive over me, it made me uncomfortable. So, I told her to keep some distance between us for awhile. She of course was furious about the choice I made."

"She would spread rumors about me so people wouldn't like me more. I liked a.. girl and she liked me back, too. The first girl that liked me for who I was. But, Joy told her some shit that made her not like me anymore. I was heart broken about what she was doing to me. But what she did this one night, really was the cherry on top to her little game."

Dahyun sighed and closed her eyes before continuing. Sana held her hand for support.

"One night, my father was driving home from work. But, h-he got into a car accident. H-He didn't make it, he passed away the next morning. The police told my mother and I that he was killed from a drunk driver. That drunk driver was.. Joy."

The girls had a disgust look on her faces. Sana rubbed Dahyun's back as Dahyun began to slowly cry.

"S-She purposely got drunk so she can kill my father. She wanted to be the number one person who I would pay the most attention to and the only way for her to do that, is the kill the person I had my most attention to and the person who cared about me the most. I confronted her the next week on why she would do such a thing but she only said one thing and I quote.."

"I guess you will have to get used to it, Dahyun-ah. I'm always number one."

Chaeyoung stood up and slowly walked over to Dahyun, she had a tear stained face.

"T-That's what I told you two months ago. You were shaking and your pupils were so dark it could kill people with just one glance. I.. I'm so sorry, Dahyun. I didn't mean to trigger that."

Dahyun held Chaeyoung's face.

"Chaeyoung-ah, you don't have to be sorry. You didn't even know." Dahyun assured.

"But, I still feel bad. I reminded you of a bad memory," Chaeyoung sniffled. Dahyun pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Dahyun, that you had to go through that." Momo said.

"We'll make sure to keep our distance away from Joy." Tzuyu stated.

"Thank you." Dahyun whispered.

The girls all got into a group hug.

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