Chapter Three

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I was driving my car to school but, I saw a girl walking. She was wearing the same uniform as me so she has to be attending the same school. As I got a closer look at her, I found out it was Dahyun.

"Dahyunie?" I called out as I rolled down the window.

"Sana, hi!" She greeted in return.

"Are you walking to school?" I asked.

"Yeah." She replied.

"I don't want you to be late nor get your feet sore so please get in the car. I'll drive you." I offered.

"Alright." Dahyun said as she jogged to the passenger side of my car.

"Why isn't Momo unnie with you, Sana?" She asked.

"Momo caught the flu so she's not coming to school today." I answered as I continued driving. Dahyun nodded.

"Okay, we arrived at school." I said. I studied Dahyun's presence before we got off.

"Dahyunie, you smell a little sweaty from walking. Also, your hair is kind of messy from the wind." I said in the nicest tone possible. Dahyun shot me a worried look.

"Don't worry, let me quickly fix you up." I assured.

I brushed out her hair using the extra brush from my backpack, sprayed a little bit of perfume to make her smell better, and smeared on a small coat of lip gloss as a bonus.

"What to you think?" I asked. She looked into the mirror and gasped. I didn't know if it was happy or sad.

"I.. love it! How did you make me look better than before in two minutes?" I laughed at her response.

"Oh, shut up. You're really beautiful, Dahyun." I said. Dahyun blushed and smiled back.

"Okay, let's get going." I exclaimed as I got out of the car. I walked to the passenger side of the car to escort Dahyun.

"Can I hold your hand?" She asked. I was stunned at her question.

"Of course." I said as I grabbed her hand.

"You answered that quick." Dahyun chuckled.

"You're hand is really soft, I enjoy holding hands with you." I replied as I rested my head shortly on her shoulder.

As we entered school, everyone stopped on what they were doing and focused their attention on Dahyun and I, just like the first day of school.

"W-Why did everything stop?" Dahyun whispered.

"Probably because you're with me." I smirked.

"I don't like all this attention on me, Sana." She said with a quivering lip.

"You're so cute, Dahyunie. Just hold my hand and keep your head up." I said. She did exactly what I told her to do.

As we were walking, people stared at us. Mainly at our hands because they were still intertwined with each other. I was used to all this attention because it happens to me on a daily basis but, Dahyun still seemed a little uncomfortable with it.

We arrived at our lockers and shortly after, the rest of our friend group walks over.

"Hey, Sana and Dahyun." Jeongyeon greeted.

"I noticed all the attention on you two." Tzuyu stated.

"Yeah.. it felt kind of weird. I'm not used to that much attention on me." Dahyun said while fiddling with her fingers. I held her hand to stop it and she calmed down.

"I guess you'll have to get used to it, Dahyun-ah. When you're hanging out with us or Sana in general, everyone will have their eyes on you." Chaeyoung shrugged and continued to scroll through Instagram. Dahyun was speechless after hearing what she said. Her pupils got darker and she started to shake.

"Dahyunie, are you okay?" I asked as I held her cheek.

"I-I might've worded that wrong or I triggered something. I'm sorry, Dahyun. I didn't mean to sound rude." Chaeyoung apologized.

"Chaeyoung, you pabo!" Nayeon exclaimed as she hit her shoulder.

"Y-You did nothing wrong, Chaeyoung. I just remembered something in the past... that's all." Dahyun softly said. I held Dahyun's hand tighter. She gave me a small smile and mouthed 'Thank you'.

"We should all hang out!" Mina said to change the subject.

"A sleepover?" Jeongyeon suggested.

"Yes, a sleepover!" Mina exclaimed.

"I'm down, who's house?" Tzuyu asked. All eyes were on Momo and I.

"Our house again?" I sighed.

"Well no duh, it's the biggest one out of all of us. We'll have so much fun." Nayeon said in a bold tone.

"Nayeon-ah, you know I don't like when we talk about our house." I reminded her. Nayeon just threw her arms up like she was about to get arrested.

"Let's do it this upcoming weekend." Jihyo said. We all agreed.

The bell rung and we all departed our ways. Dahyun and I locked arms while walking to algebra. I feel bad for her, Chaeyoung accidentally triggered something that made Dahyun remember a past memory. Chaeyoung felt extremely bad about it so she stayed silent for the rest of the day.

I tried hard to make Dahyunie feel better today. I made her laugh a couple times so, I guess it was a success. Speaking of Dahyun, I still don't quite know what's happening between us. I feel very comfortable around her and I can tell she feels comfortable with me, too. It feels like I've known her for so long but in reality it's been a couple weeks. She's a special one, someone I'll be holding onto for awhile. I still didn't like the fact that Dahyun said we'll be "great friends". Why is that? M-Maybe, I'm thinking more than that.. no, I'm obviously delusional. I don't like, Kim Dahyun. If I did, she obviously won't like me back.


Kind of a boring chapter, I apologize! What do you think triggered Dahyun? Also, what do you think was the past memory Dahyun remembered? Leave your thoughts below!

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