Chapter Nineteen

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It's been a week since the incident. Sana and Momo haven't been heard from since the night of the party. Dahyun has been attending school as usual but she hasn't been herself. She completely isolated herself from everyone else.

"Dahyun, can you please read?"




"Somebody please get Dahyun's attention!"

Dahyun was snapped back into reality when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and saw her whole class including her teacher staring at her.

"Dahyun, please pay attention," The professor said.

"O-Oh sorry, my bad," Dahyun apologized.

The professor sighed before replying, "We left off on page 348. Can you please read the first paragraph?"

"Of course," Dahyun replied.

Lately Dahyun has been dozing off and hardly paying attention during class. Sana, Joy, and the whole situation keeps floating around in her head. It's all she ever thinks about. She's always thinking how to solve it or finding out if there's a magic spell to make sure this whole nightmare never happened.

The bell rung meaning another dumb and pointless school day ended. Dahyun quickly packed up her belongings and rushed out of the building. Since Sana was no longer around, Dahyun had no ride. So, she just went back to the old habit of walking to school and from school. Her feet and legs do get sore later on since she isn't used to it but she doesn't care. She thinks it's God's way of slightly punishing her.

She arrives home and was greeted by Ari barking and jumping around happily. She flashes her dog a weak smile and pets her.

"Dahyun? Is that you?" Her mom called from the kitchen.

"No, I'm a burglar ready to rob you and your daughter," Dahyun sarcastically replied.

Dahyun's mom enters the living room.

"Don't joke with me, Kim Dahyun!" Her mother exclaimed, "How was school?"

"The usual," Dahyun shrugged.

"Do you have any homework to do?"

Dahyun nodded, "Sadly,"

Her mom chuckled softly, "Alright, go upstairs and do your homework,"

Dahyun wandered to her room. She sat on her bed and did her homework. She had a love/hate relationship with her bed nowadays. Her bed is what reminds her of Sana most. The residue of Sana's scent still lingers. She still can imagine Sana lying next to her, sleeping soundly. She loved/hated it. She loved having little parts of Sana left but hates it because it reminds her of what she did.

She hasn't talked to any of her friends since they all reconciled at the party. Yes, they all called and texted her to see how the young korean girl was holding up but Dahyun refused to answer.

Dahyun was gathering her books for her next class from her locker when the door shut loudly causing her to jump and scream. She turned to see Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Mina, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu glaring at her.

"Oh my god, what the hell was that?!" Dahyun started to clench her chest, "You guys gave me a heart attack,"

"Yeah well, you gave all of us a heart attack when you didn't respond to our calls and texts," Jeongyeon fired back.

Dahyun rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Come on, Dahyun. We're your best friends. We're supposed to be going through this together," Jihyo said.

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