Chapter Twenty-Two

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Dahyun approaches the door to switch the "open" sign to the "closed" sign. She then turns around to see Lia and Yiren quietly giggling about something. She furrows her eyebrows and walks towards them slowly a little suspicious. The two noticed and quickly went back to their stations.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Dahyun asked.

"N-Nothing," Yiren muttered as her eyes wandered around. Dahyun looked at her suspiciously. She then averted her sight at Lia, who also looked away quickly and let her eyes do their thing.

"Alright, something's up. What is it?" Dahyun asked.

"Yiren told you... it's nothing!" Lia stammered.

Dahyun just stared at the two, practically forcing the truth out of them through her eyes.

Lia squeezed her eyes shut and her body starting to shake, "Okay, okay! Just never look at us like that, it makes me wanna jump off a cliff and die,"

Yiren hit Lia's shoulder and whispered a 'Shut up'. Dahyun steps closer to Yiren which forces her to look down.

"Tell me what's going on now before I fire you both," Dahyun orders while crossing her arms.

"Okay!" Yiren sighs.

"What did you guys do?" Dahyun asks.



Yiren and Lia were walking around in the mall.

"Do you want to go in Forever 21?" Lia asks.

"Sure!" Yiren replies. Lia smiles and locks arms with Yiren as they enter Forever 21.

"I kind of need a new jacket, can we go over there?" Yiren asks, pointing towards the jackets hung on the racks.

"Okay, maybe I can find something for me too," Lia shrugs.

While walking, they see Sana admiring some pretty and stylish dresses.

Lia's eyes widens.

"What? Who is that?" Yiren asks, looking at Sana.

"That's Sana! Dahyun's ex!" Lia quietly exclaims.

Yiren gasps, "No way."

"Yeah! They were all over each other yesterday. It was cute but kind of sickening to watch," Lia said. Yiren mutters out a quiet 'oh...'

Yiren smirks and looks at Lia.

"What, what is it?" Lia asks.

"We should set them up on a date!" Yiren suggests.

"Yiren, are you insane? That's totally going to get us fired!" Lia whispers.

"No it won't! In fact, Dahyun will be thanking us because she probably doesn't have the balls to do so."

"Oh my god, no we are not going over there!"  Lia mutters.

Yiren starts walking towards Sana but Lia is trying to hold her back.

"We are not doing this, Yiren!" Lia exclaims.


The two approach Sana. Yiren cleared her throat and tapped Sana's shoulder. Sana turns around and flashes them a big smile.

"May I help you?" She asks.

"Hi, Sana! I'm Yiren and this is Lia. You might know us as Dahyun's employees," Yiren greets.

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