Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Hey! Long time no see," Joy greeted.

"Oh, hey Joy!" Dahyun greeted as she approached the two.

"Dahyun! Glad to see you two together again," Joy said with a big smile.

"Oh, we aren't dating," Dahyun stated. Sana felt her heart drop. She knows they weren't but hearing Dahyun say it just makes her feel weird and hurt for some reason.

"Oh, okay," Joy said. She then turned to Sana, "How come you're back here in Korea?"

"I'm a fashion designer. My company transferred here to Seoul," Sana answered.

"A fashion designer? That sounds like a fun job!" Joy exclaimed.

"Yeah. Amazing." Sana replied bluntly.

Dahyun nudged her shoulder.

"Look, I know we necessarily didn't leave off on the best terms but, I would love to... restart and try again," Joy said, shyly fiddling with her fingers.

"It'll take some time. I know it was seven years ago and I should let it go because it was in the past, but what you did before really damaged me. Mentally and physically," Sana sighed.

"I know, I don't expect you to forgive me right away or even ever but I hope you know that I'm better now and I'm not that crazy psychotic bitch I was before," Joy commented.

"Y-Yeah, Dahyun told me," Sana stated.

"Well, I better get going. My friend is waiting for me," Joy added to break the awkwardness.

"It was nice seeing you, Joy!" Dahyun exclaimed.

"It was great seeing you, too," Joy averted her eyes to Sana, "Both of you."

She shot them a smile before departing. Sana furiously ran her fingers through her hair and groaned into the palms of her hands.

"What was that?" Dahyun asked as she folded her arms.

"I don't know, I'm sorry. It's just... I know she's better and healthier after seven years I just can't bring myself to really accept that. It feels like yesterday when she outed me, kicked me out of my home, trashed my car, ruined my reputation, and... took you away from me," Sana muttered.

Dahyun sighed.

"It'll take me some time to really accept the fact that Joy really
changed for the greater good," Sana added.

She silently panicked when Dahyun didn't respond, "It's stupid and pathetic, I know..."

Dahyun looked up and her eyes widened, "No, it isn't!" She cupped Sana's jaw, "I get it, I really do. It took me some time to accept it so it makes sense that it'll take you awhile as well."

Sana nodded and placed her hand over Dahyun's hand, which is still resting on her jaw.

"Thank you."

"It's really great to have us all together," Mina said.

"Except, Momo isn't here with us," Jeongyeon muttered.

Sana lowered her head at the mention of her sister's name.

Dahyun noticed and said something, "Yes, Momo's in Japan living her best life but at least we are all kept in touch. Let's not ruin this rare meet up and sulk about her."

"You're right," Jeongyeon took Sana's hand, "I'm sorry I brought her up."

"No, it's okay. I miss her just as much as you guys," Sana replied with a weak smile.

"So, how's everyone's lives?" Jihyo asked to change the subject.

"Jeongyeon and I ran into Jisoo yesterday at the market," Nayeon answered.

"Really? How is she?" Chaeyoung asked.

"She's doing great! She's leaving for a world tour tomorrow," Nayeon exclaimed.

"Sana and I ran into Joy yesterday at the mall," Dahyun said.

"Is she doing okay?" Tzuyu asked.

"Yeah!" Dahyun exclaimed.

"Interesting," Nayeon muttered as she took a sip of her Iced Tea.

The girls laughed at Nayeon except Sana who was awfully quiet.

"Sana, you've been quiet. Anything on your mind?" Mina asked.


"Let me guess, you don't fully trust Joy yet," Jeongyeon sighed.

"I- How did you know...?"

"I just figured. We all had months to fully forgive Joy. You moved back last month so of course you're hesitant,"

"Yeah, take your time," Jihyo reassured.

Sana turned to Dahyun who gave her a sweet smile.

Sana was sketching out a new clothing design as she heard a knock on her door. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when she gave the girls a key to her apartment. So, she didn't know who that could be.

She walked towards the door and opened it. To her surprise, the person in front of her happened to be...


"Hi," Joy shyly greeted.

"How did you get my address?" Sana asked as she leaned against the door frame.

"I asked Dahyun," Joy responded.

"Well, what are you doing here? I'm kind of busy at the moment."

"W-Well, I need to tell you something... something I've kept inside me for seven years," Joy said as she lowered her voice.

Sana was confused. Why is Joy telling her this?

"C-Can I come in?"

Sana shifted to the side, meaning Joy was allowed in. Joy bowed a little before entering Sana's apartment.

"Let's sit and talk," Sana said as she gestured Joy to sit down on the couch.

As they sat down, Sana stared at Joy as a signal to begin.

"You know what happened the night of-" Joy cleared her throat, "The night of the... incident...?"

"Crystal clear," Sana replied bluntly.

"W-Well, what happened... isn't actually how it happened," Joy muttered.

"What do you mean?" Sana asked as she leaned in closer as she's interested at what Joy was saying.

"Dahyun being too drunk and caused her to s-sleep with me isn't true..." Joy said.

Sana's eyes widened, "Then what happened?!"

Joy kept quiet.

"What happened then, Joy?!" Sana exclaimed.


"What the fuck happened then, Joy?!" Sana raised her voice. Joy flinched at the change of tone.

"That night, I did something horrible and I regretted it so much."

"Get to the fucking point, Park Sooyoung!" Sana exclaimed, furious.

Joy sighed and she closed her eyes, "I d-drugged Dahyun's drink and that's why she woke up in my bed... not remembering one single bit about what happened the night before..."

Sana's eyes widened even wider and she covered her mouth with her hands.

*inserts Big Time Rush's oh oh ooh oh*

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