Chapter Thirteen

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The bell finally rung meaning I can leave school and go home with my beautiful girlfriend.

I exited my classroom and found Dahyun standing against the lockers on her phone, supposedly waiting for me.

To surprise her, I kissed her on the cheek. Her cheeks turned red in seconds and her eyes widened.

I pretended to be dumb, "What? Can I not kiss my girlfriend?"

"No, no. I just didn't expect that. Sorry, I was so into my phone," She replied as she shut it off and paid her attention on me, "Shall we go now?"

"B-Before we go... I have to talk to you..." I uttered.

"Wait, y-you're not breaking up with me, are you? If it's because of Joy, I-I'll kill her or something because she really fucked my life up and she even kicked yo-"

I cut her off by holding her hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Kim Dahyun, I would never break up with you. Life gets a little messy, I get it. I've been through some mess when my mother divorced my father. I love you and I don't mind getting involved with your messy life. Besides if I leave you now, there will be no one by your side," I stated. She smiled and sighed in relief.

"I was actually talking about what happened earlier. I... kinda overheard your argument with Joy," I continued. Her eyes widened.

"Y-You did..?" I nodded, "a-and you heard everything..?" I nodded again.


"I'm scared of what she'll do. We know what she's capable of, Dahyunie. She's.. going to take you away from me,"

"Sana, no she won't. She will have to deal with the fact that I have a girlfriend who I love very much," She said.

"I love you, too," I chuckled. We started walking to my car.

We saw a bunch of people huddling around it.

"What's going on? Why are people surrounding the car?" I questioned. Dahyun shrugged and dragged me to get a closer look.

The word "Slut" was spray painted in red on the side of my car.

People saw and then laughed at me. I didn't know what to do. But then, I saw Joy in the corner smirking at me.

"Oh, that's it," I growled as I stomped towards her.

"N-No, Sana wait-" Dahyun said.

"No, Kim Dahyun! This has to end now," I hissed. Dahyun got scared and stepped back.

"Who do you think you are? Spray painting that stupid foul word on my car?!" I screamed.

"Oh that? Well, it's a fact, Minatozaki Sana," Joy nonchalantly said.

"You're a bitch! You kicked me out of my house and you spray painted that word on my expensive car?!" I hissed. Joy steps closer.

"Expensive car? That your rich mommy and daddy bought for you? Face it, Sana. You're a spoiled fucking bitch and so is your sister. Dahyun's too good for you," She said.

"And you think you are? You're ruining her life, Joy! Open your fucking eyes!" I exclaimed.

Joy had enough of me and slapped me. I started to punch her and yank her hair.

"You are a slut, Sana! YOU'RE A SLUT!!!" She exclaimed.

That did it for me. I ran towards her in full speed and tackled her on the concrete ground. I punched, slapped, and did every physical torture to her. That word brings back horrible memories. It's kind of like how Chaeyoung accidentally triggered Dahyun's past memory of Joy.

"Sana, stop!!!" Dahyun exclaimed as she pulled me off of Joy.

"You have NO right of calling me that!" I yelled.

"Well, I just did. Nothing you can do about it, huh?" Joy smirked.

I was about to go on her again but, Dahyun stopped me.

"Sana, no..." She whispered.

I released out of Dahyun's grip and shot Joy a death glare. I kicked a wall out of anger and ran as fast as I can.


I never looked back.

I never went home with Dahyun on that day. I ran away. I couldn't face my face in public if people are going to see me as the girl who got kicked out of her home and was called a sl**.

I ended up staying in the park. I didn't eat or drink for 24 hours. Dahyun kept calling or texting me but, I'm such a humiliation so I never answered. I wouldn't be surprised if she was going to break up with me.

I was sitting against a tree with a hoodie over my head that I kept in my backpack. I looked up and saw Dahyun walking Ari. I tried to hide my face but, it was too late for that because she recognized me.

She ran towards me with teary eyes. She grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I couldn't make eye contact with her, I was embarrassed. She held my chin and made me face her. In my surprise, she leaned in and kissed me. After the dumb move of running away, I thought she'd be angry at me.


"Don't scare me like that. Why did you run away?" She questioned as she cupped my face.

I sighed, "I... I was humiliated and embarrassed,"

"Sana," Dahyun wrapped her arms around the nape of my neck, "I'm here for you. Remember what you told me yesterday? You're here for me so don't forget I'm doing the same. We have problems but we have to face them together,"

I started crying, "I-I'm so sorry... for worrying you. Are you about to break up with me?"

Dahyun pulled me into an embrace, "Minatozaki Sana, I would never ever break up with you. I love you, remember that,"

"I'm sorry..." I sobbed.

"Hey, hey... stop apologizing," Dahyun comforted as she wiped my tears with her thumb, "But, I do have to ask you something,"


"What's the connection with you and the word slu-"

"Don't say the word," I interrupted.

"Basically, my dad wasn't a very nice person. Whenever I would do something wrong, he called me the word," I explained.

"What a horrible father..." Dahyun said as she rubbed my arm, "Let's get you home, okay?"

I nodded.

"I-Is the word still on my car..?" I asked.

"No, we got it removed," Dahyun replied.

"Thank you," I said.

"For what?" She asked.

"For still being here with me. I thought you'd break up with me because I made you worried sick," I said, not making eye contact.

"I will never get tired of telling you that I will never break up with you," Dahyun smiled.

I leaned in and softly kissed her. Imagine someone who will stick with you through thick and thin. I already have that person and her name is Kim Dahyun.


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