Chapter Six

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No one's POV

After a long period of time thinking, Sana finally realized that she is homosexual. She likes the same sex. She kept it in for awhile before telling anyone because she was scared on what people might think of her now. The Dahyun incident happened two months ago, it is now early December. The two girls were closer than ever after that. No one knows that the two secretly has feelings for the other. They all think it was an experiment. After the occurrence, Sana was unsure about her sexuality. She finally started to speak up and let people know. the first person she told was her sister and best friend, Hirai Momo.

The two are on the roof, sitting and admiring the scenery. The wind a little cold, dancing with their hair. The two are snuggled up together to form heat. Sana thought it was the perfect opportunity to inform Momo about her. She explained everything but, she left out her feelings for Dahyun since she's not quite ready to let everyone know.

"So wait, let me get this straight, you're homosexual?" Momo asked.

"Yes, I-I am." Sana confirmed. Momo's face lit up and she hugged her younger step sister.

"Oh Sana," said Momo, "thank you so much for telling me this."

"Momorin, you're crying!" Sana exclaimed as she wiped Momo's tears using her thumb.

"Well, yeah. You're telling me who you truly are. I can tell that you're comfortable and happy. I love you so much." Momo broke down. Sana comforted her sister.

"Thank you, Momo." Sana softly said.

"F-For what?" Momo sniffled.

"Being there for me. Not just because you're my sister, because you really care about me. You're always there for me. So for that, I thank you." Sana explained with a small smile and teary eyes. Momo kissed Sana's head and played with her hair.

"Wait, wait." Momo said.


"How are you going to tell mom and dad?" Momo questioned. Sana's eyes widened as she realized what she has to eventually do.

"Shit... I totally forgot about telling them." Sana realized.

"They'll accept you, Sana. They have to." Momo assured as she rubbed Sana's back.

"Y-You never know, Momo." Sana said. Sana rested her head on Momo's shoulder and Momo rested her head on Sana's head.

Sana was about to drive her and Momo to school but Momo blocked the driver's door.

"Uh, Momo? What are you doing?"

"Let me drive." Momo insisted.

"But, you hate driving this early in the morning. That's why I drive us to school." Sana said, a bit confused.

"I know, I know. Just let me drive because I want you to relax." Momo explained.

Sana, a little suspicious, slowly handed the car keys to Momo and walked over into the passenger side. They drove to school safely. Sana held hands with her sister and rested her head on her shoulder. She's yearning for her best friend's support.

When they entered the school, the same old routine happens. Once the Hiraitozaki Sisters arrive, everything stops and the attention is always on them. This time, Sana wasn't really feeling the attention. She had a look in her face that she normally never has, worry. After Momo reminded her of telling their parents, it got to Sana's mind. She couldn't stop thinking about it. She gets scared and worried more and more everyday just thinking about her parent's opinion.

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