Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: Hello fellow readers! I just wanted to say a few things before we continue with the 18th chapter. First of all, thank you so much for 2k reads and 100+ votes! I appreciate it so much. Second of all, the end of the story is around the corner. I'm kind of sad because I've had so much fun writing this story for you guys but the end has to come at some point. Lastly, I also want to apologize for my writing lately. I feel like my writing got worse and worse the more I got writers block. Okay, that's all I had to say. Thank you again! <3

"Come on, Dahyun. As of last night, I can tell you really enjoyed yourself," Joy said.

"Joy, I was fucking drunk!" Dahyun scoffed as she found her clothes.

Joy sighed loudly.

"Okay look, Joy, I don't want to do anything with you. My heart belongs to Sana and Sana only. She's the one I love. I made the biggest mistake even trying to forgive you, I was too blind to see that you weren't changing anytime soon," Dahyun explained, "Last night was a mistake. I was so dumb to let alcohol take full control of my body. Yes, I wanted to let loose but I overdid it. Now, I probably ruined the best thing that has ever happened to me,"

"Bullshit," Joy muttered under her breath.

Dahyun quickly changed back into the clothes she had.

"I'm leaving and I'm not looking back. You already got what you wanted, okay? Me all to yourself, under your commands. You're dominance. I just hope you realize that this- this whole thing was just stupid," Dahyun stated before she gathered her stuff.

"W-Wait, don't leave! You don't have a ride!" Joy exclaimed, chasing Dahyun.

Dahyun turned around sharply, "LOOK!"

Joy flinched and stopped.

"I don't care anymore. You got what you've been craving for which results me loosing the best person in my life right now. You win, Joy. Is that what you wanted to hear? You won," Dahyun softly said, her voice cracking a little due to her tearing up.

Dahyun left Joy's house, leaving Joy dumbfounded.

Dahyun ran. She ran away from the hell she went through. She messed up badly. She messed it up when things were getting better.

She reached her house and stood in front of it. She didn't want to face Sana but she also wanted to. She owed her a huge explanation. she walked slowly towards the house and twisted the doorknob. She was greeted by her mother sitting on one of the dining chairs, sipping tea and flipping through a magazine. Her dog, Ari, was sleeping soundly on the couch.

"M-Mom..." Dahyun sniffled.

Her mom looked up. She had an emotionless face but her eyes were soft. She got up and sighed before walking towards Dahyun.

"Where's Sana...?" Dahyun asked.

"She left," Her mom responded.

Dahyun's jaw dropped and her eyes widened.

"She left? W-What do you mean by that?" Dahyun worriedly asked.

"Late last night she came home looking like a mess and told me she was packing up her stuff and leaving," Dahyun's mom explained, "She also told me everything,"

Dahyun started to cry. She hugged her mom and sobbed on her shoulder.

"M-Mom... I messed up badly," Dahyun sobbed.

"Dahyun, everyone makes mistakes. You just happened to stumble across a really big one," Dahyun started to cry harder, "But, it'll be okay. It's not too late to make things right,"

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