Chapter Eight

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(Date Outfits)

(Date Outfits)

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"Momo, I don't know if I can do this or not!" I exclaimed to Momo on the phone.

"She agreed to it, right? That's what matters. I'm sure you'll entertain her on this date, Sana!"

I had my car parked in front of Dahyun's house, sitting inside with butterflies fluttering around my stomach.

"I-I had the confidence to ask her out last week but I have no idea if I-"

"Shut up! You can do it, you'll have a blast with her." Momo screamed on the other line. I slightly jumped when I heard my phone chime from a text.

Dahyunie 🙈♥️: I'm on my way out!

"Shit, she's coming! I'll see you later, Momo!"

"Good luck, Satang!" I quickly hung up and got out the car to greet her.

The front door opened slowly, revealing a beautiful Kim Dahyun. The wind blew in front of her, causing her to look like a model on the runway. She smiled at me, that god damn smile can kill many others. I had my mouth slightly open and she closed it by lifting my chin up.

"Hi there." She greeted.

"H-Hello, Dahyunie," I greeted back. "You look stunning."

Dahyun smiled and rubbed my arm, "You do, too."

I opened the passenger side door, "Your chariot awaits, m'lady."

"Dork." Dahyun chuckled.


We held our date at a carnival. It was sunset, the sunset made everything look amazing and beautiful. We decided to end our carnival fun by riding on the ferris wheel.

"Wah, look at the view from up here!" Dahyun exclaimed like a little kid.

"Y-Yeah.. pretty," I was shivering from the cold air, since it was early December. My dumbass self forgot to bring a jacket.

"Sana! You're freezing, here," She took off her leather jacket and carefully placed it on me.

"Dahyunie, you didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to. You looked cold, I didn't want you to freeze to death," She wrapped her arms around me and I laid my head on her shoulder.

I felt safe in Dahyun's arms. I didn't want to loose her. Not now, not ever. I fell more and more in love with her and I don't think I'm stopping anytime soon. Kim Dahyun is my person.

Dahyun kissed my head and played with my hair. I lifted my head up to look at her properly. She had a small smile on her face, which made my heart flutter.

I slowly leaned in to kiss her but, she already swooped in and closed the distance between our faces. I craved for this deep inside me. After all this time finding out who I truly am, I now realized that Kim Dahyun is the one for me. There will be no one who owns my heart or tugs my heart strings harder than Dahyun herself. She owns me, I will give her all of me.

She held my face and I circled my arms around her neck. She kissed back, more passionately. I loved this moment and I never wanted it to end.

"Sana.." I hummed softly, "Thank you for tonight, I really had an amazing time."

"Of course, Dahyunie." I replied. Our ride has ended on the ferris wheel. We got off and intertwined our fingers. I never wanted to let her go.

We were now walking in the park, the same park where I first held hands with Dahyun. We were chatting about certain things and I just had fun with her. She was nice to be around, she had a bright aura surrounding her tonight. I stopped walking and turned to face her.

"Dahyunie~" I sweetly whined. She giggled softly and held my face. I got lost in her eyes once again and smiled at her. She kissed me softly at first and then blossomed into passion. I backed up, not breaking our kiss, until my back hit a tree.

The park was empty, it was late at night. I moaned delightedly and leaned back to get a good glimpse of Dahyun's face. Her cheeks were red, it was so noticeable because of her pale skin, her lips were swollen and her eyes were twinkling.

"Dahyun.." Dahyun wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me her full attention.

"I can't get enough of you. You make me feel safe, happy even. There's no one else in this world that makes me feel this way. You're truly a special someone to me. I.. I never want to loose you ever. I need you in my life right now, you're so important to me. Your charms will always make me feel flustered. So, with that said," I held both of her hands "Kim Dahyun, will you do me the honor and become my girlfriend?" I confessed.

"Y-Yes... I've never wanted anything more!" She exclaimed. She kissed me and then hugged me tightly while laughing.

Now that I finally have you, Dahyunie, I can be happier and happier everyday with you by my side.

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