Chapter Twenty-Three

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The sunlight woke Dahyun up. As soon as she got up from her bed, she instantly felt pain in that area. That made Dahyun confused because she thought last night was all a dream. She shrugged it off and opened her curtain fully so the sunlight brightened up her bedroom.

She stumbled her way into the bathroom and gasped at what she saw in the reflection. Her hair was disheveled, her lips were swollen, and she had bruises all over her neck and chest.

"W-Wait..." She muttered.

A sound of someone clearing their throat startled Dahyun. As she turned around, Sana leaning against the door with a smirk on her face. She was wearing a button up long-sleeved shirt that showed her cleavage. She was also wearing no pants so you can see a hint of her underwear. Dahyun could also see bruises on her neck as well.

"Good morning, pretty lady," Sana greeted.

Dahyun coughed, "G-Good morning, Sana."

"What's the matter?" Sana said in a husky voice.

"Y-You" Dahyun searched for words, "I'm sorry, it's just I thought it was all a dream."

"Well, believe it," Sana leaned in to give Dahyun a peck on the lips, "Because it's true. Last night actually happened."


Dahyun turned around to examine her bruises on her neck in the bathroom mirror.

"Oh, do you like the love bites?" Sana asked, biting her bottom lip.

"L-Love bites..?"

Sana nodded, "Would you like for me to give you another one?"

Dahyun looked down because she was getting flustered.

"I'm just playing with you, Dahyunie," Sana said.

"Did I say anything crazy last night?" Dahyun asked.

Sana remembered what Dahyun said.

"I love you, Sana."

"N-No, no you're good," Sana answered.

Dahyun just smiled and nodded.

"But, I did make you breakfast," She added.

Dahyun looked up, "Oh my, Sana, you didn't have to do that."

"But, I wanted to," Sana replied with a smile.

"Here," Sana took Dahyun's hand, "let's eat because I'm starving."

Sana led Dahyun to the table where she made scrambled eggs and bacon. Dahyun sat down and Sana sat down across from her.

"Thank you, Sana, really. You seriously didn't have to make breakfast," Dahyun said with sincerity.

"It's no problem," Sana shrugged.

The two ate in silence while thoughts floated through their minds. What are they now? Are they dating? What's going to happen in the future? They had no idea how to answer any question.

"Do you have work today?" Dahyun asked to break the silence.

Sana shook her head, "Today I'm off. What about the shop?"

"Since it's a Sunday, the shop opens up later than usual. So I got some time," Dahyun answered.

She finished her breakfast and grabbed Sana's plate too and washed them. Dahyun turned around and saw Sana uncrossing her legs and spreading her arms out.

Dahyun knew what this meant. Sana wanted her to sit on her lap. Of course Dahyun can't say no so she sat on Sana's lap and leaned back so her head would sink into the crook of Sana's neck. Sana wrapped her arms around Dahyun's waist to hold her in place.

"You do know what happens when either of us sit on the other's lap, right?" Dahyun asked to make sure.

"I do but, I don't want that right now. I just want to hold you," Sana replied. Dahyun smiled.

"I'm still sore though," Sana laughed at Dahyun's comment.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't handle myself," Sana chuckled.

"Now, Sana."

Sana hummed when she heard her name.

"What happens now?" Dahyun asked. Sana knew this question had to be asked sometime but she didn't have an answer.

"To be honest, Dahyunie, I genuinely do not know," Just the answer Dahyun was looking for.

"I don't know, either," Dahyun breathed out.

"Damn, we really got ourselves into a pickle," Sana groaned.

"I guess so."

"Thanks again for hanging out with me today," Sana brought up.

"Oh, it's no big deal," Dahyun replied.

The two walk through the automatic doors and entered the mall. The mall was packed and people filled up the stores.

"Jesus," Sana uttered.

"I know, so many people are shopping today," Dahyun said.

The two linked arms and went into a clothing shop. They were in awe as cute and pretty clothes caught their eye. They rushed to the racks and swiped through the items hung on display.

"Hey, Dahyunie look," Sana called out. Dahyun turned around and saw Sana wearing the goofiest pair of sunglasses and a big sun hat.

"Oh my god, let me take a picture of you!" Dahyun exclaimed.

Sana did a weird pose and Dahyun snapped more than one photo.

"You're such a dork," Dahyun giggled.

Sana took off the sunglasses and sun hat. But, she bumped into someone who was walking.

"Oh! God, I'm sorry. I should've watched-" Sana met eyes with the person, "where I was going..."



Okay the end is so close i can tAstE it omg- i don't want the story to end bc i love this story sm but it has to waaaaahhhh

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