Chapter Twelve

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Sana. Minatozaki Sana.

I don't know how she does it. She's really brave. She got kicked out of her own home because she loves me. She loves me. The first person to love me romantically is her. She even stood up for herself in front of my worst nightmare.

Now, she's staying with me in my house. My mom is very caring and treats Sana like a second daughter. I love the fact that she's with us, definitely, I just feel bad. She's not really used to living in this kind of way since she's very wealthy. But, it's nice to see her grow.

"Sana baby?" I whispered as I softly shook her awake.

"Dahyunie..." She said. My heart started pounding as soon as I heard her low sexy seductive morning voice. "Good morning, Sana."

"Good morning to you, too."

I chuckled softly and kissed her forehead, "Time to wake up, sleepy head. We have school."

"No~" She protested.


"I want to stay cuddled up like this with you," She said as she tightened the grip of her arms.

"As much as I want to, we can't. Tonight we can cuddle as long as we want," I assured.

"But, I want to be attached to you like this forever," She whined.

"Sana, we'll be late for school," I said as I checked the time.

"Ugh, you're no fun," She groaned. I giggled.

We got ready and packed our bags. We went downstairs and greeted my mom, who was munching on some toast.

"Bye, mom. We're leaving now,"

"She got up and hugged the both of us.

"Bye, girls. Have a good day at school," She said.

"We will, bye eomma!" Sana called out.

"Eomma? Really?" I teased as we got inside Sana's car.

"What? I technically live here, too. So, I gotta start calling my girlfriend slash roommate's mom eomma," She shrugged. I just smiled quietly.

We arrived in the school parking lot and I noticed Sana just sitting there, not moving

I took her hand, "Sana, what's wrong?"

"I.. It's just this is the first time I'm seeing Momo ever since I got kicked out," She said, "I can't look at her knowing the pain I caused her."

I brought her hand up to my mouth and kissed it.

"Hey... you didn't cause any pain to her, okay? Besides, I'm with you," I assured.

"Okay... Okay... I-I'm ready..." Sana stuttered. We both got out the car hand in hand.

When were were walking into school people started to whisper.

"I heard that she got kicked out of her home..."

"Did you hear? Minatozaki Sana got kicked out because she's gay..."

"I can't believe she got kicked out because she's dating Kim Dahyun..."

She heard it all. Sana looked like she was about to burst into tears. I held her tighter and glared at whoever was talking behind her back.

While we were walking we met eyes with Momo. She looked guilty, probably because she didn't do anything to stop their father that night. Sana just stared at her with her teary eyes and kept walking, not saying a word.

I walked Sana to all of her classes. I didn't want to leave her side at all because who knows what could happen next.

"Last class of the day," I sighed. She sighed too and let out a weak smile.

"Thank you for staying by my side today," She said as she took my hands.


"You know, Dahyunie... I will never get tired of thanking you," She said in a whisper voice. I looked down and smiled. I leaned in a gave her a quick little kiss.

"I love you, Sana. I'll come right here to escort you after class," I said.

"Wah, my girlfriend is so cute!" She exclaimed as she pinched my cheeks.

"I know, I know. Go in now, you'll be late,"

We bid our goodbyes and I started to walk to my own class. While I was walking, I felt someone grab my wrist into the dark corner of the hallway.

"What the fu-"

"Shut up," My heart stopped when I heard the voice.

"Joy... what could you possibly want?" I asked in a irritated tone.

"You," She replied.

"Me?" I was confused.

"Let's go out," I can't believe this...

"Are you fucking kidding me? You expect me to go out with you?! Can't you just see that I hate you? You killed my father and you kicked my girlfriend out of her own home. We were best friends sure when we were little but never ever ever will we go back to that now," I ranted.


"Do not call me that,"

"For fuck sakes, Kim Dahyun! I am way better than that slut! She doesn't deserve you, I knew you better and I can treat you right!" She exclaimed.

"Oh my god, Joy, you're the dumbest person ever! If you can treat me right, why did you fuck up my life the way you did?! You thought that I would come crawling back to you after you tortured the people I cared about most? You're out of your mind," I shot back.

"Whatever, you will want me again," She scoffed.

"You're unbelievable, don't get near me or else I will kill you. I mean it, Joy," I growled as I walked away.


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