Chapter Twenty-One

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Fate. It was fate.

Dahyun happened to stumble into the club just to find Sana after all those years. They kissed and that was it, nothing more after that. Dahyun received Sana's new number but she hasn't called or texted her yet. Chaeyoung approached the two girls and hugged Sana. Sana also gave Chaeyoung her new number.

"That'll be $6.50, sir," Dahyun said to a customer. The customer fished out his wallet and gave Dahyun the money.

Dahyun gave him the change and his order, "Here you go, have a nice day!"

Dahyun dropped some coins on the floor.

"Shit," She mumbled.

She then heard the bell that's attached to the door to let the employees know a new customer has arrived.

"Just a second!" Dahyun called out.

When she stood up, she shrieked and dropped the coins again. Sana was right across from her, against the counter.


"Dahyunie! Cute place you got!" Sana exclaimed.

"H-How did you know this is my shop? I never gave you the name?" Dahyun asked, confused.

"Ah, I asked Chaeyoung since you never texted or called me," Sana replied.

Dahyun looked down at her feet, feeling a little embarrassed.

She cleared her throat, "So, uh, would you like to get anything?"

"Oh, yeah! Hm, may I have an Iced Chai Tea latte?" Sana asked as she looked at the menu.

"To go?"

"No, thanks. Inside, please," Sana said sweetly.

Dahyun nodded and smiled. She quickly made Sana's drink and carefully handed it to her, preventing spillage.


Sana and Dahyun both turned around to see Lia, the other employee, appearing from the bathroom.

"Who's this?" Lia asked.

"Lia, this is Sana... m-my friend. Sana, this is Lia, an employee," Dahyun introduced.

They both shook hands.

"She's kinda cute," Sana whispered into Dahyun's ear.

Dahyun felt weird that her ex-girlfriend is implying that her own employee is cute.

"She's also seventeen if you wanna go down that road," Dahyun stated.

Sana mumbled a quiet 'oh' and leaned back.

"How do you two know each other?" Lia asked.


Dahyun and Sana looked at each other awkwardly.

"S-She's my friend from high school," Dahyun said. Sana nodded along.

"Ah, I see," Lia said.

"Lia, would you mind taking over for a bit?" Dahyun asked.

"But, Dahyun, my shift is over!" Lia exclaimed.

"I'll give you a raise," Dahyun smirked.

"Ugh, fine! You're so annoying," Lia groaned.

Dahyun giggled. She took off her apron and walked to the other side of the counter. She grabbed Sana's hand without mention. Sana looked at her with shock.

"Follow me, let's catch up," Dahyun whispered. Sana slowly nodded and followed Dahyun.

The two sat down comfortably and sighed.

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