Chapter Ten

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Sana's POV

I was walking with Dahyun in the halls today, holding hands. We were both silent ever since Dahyun told us about her horrific past that involved Joy. Us nine made sure to stay the farthest away from Joy because who knows what will happen to us... happen to me. Joy killed Dahyun's father because he cared for her more than Joy. Now that I'm her girlfriend, who knows what kind of messed up shit Joy will do to me.

"Babe, what are you thinking about?" I asked to break the awkward silence.

"Life," She simply replied.

Seeing her so miserable made me depressed. I dragged her down in the hallway and into the room with the old piano, where I first saw her play three months ago. I made her sit down, she looked shocked. I sat down next to her and smiled.

"H-How did you know...?" She questioned.

"The first week of school, I saw you play here and you lied saying you were in the bathroom," I explained. Dahyun looked down.

"I'm sorry," Dahyun apologized. I shook my head.

"Why do you play?"

She sighed, "When I was young, playing the piano made me calm whenever I was really stressed". I leaned over and softly kissed her forehead.

"Know that I'm here now with you, okay?" I assured. Dahyun shot me a smile and a small nod.

"Play me a song, Dahyunie." I suggested. Dahyun sighed before doing her magic.

She played me a soft melody. I laid my head on her shoulder as she relaxed me with her beautiful piano skills.

"Did you like it?" She asked.

My face lit up, "Of course! You're really good, where did you learn that?"

"My mother would play this to me to calm me down or to help me sleep," She explained.

"Huh, explains why I'm kind of sleepy," I jokingly commented. Dahyun giggled.

"I want to make you feel better, Hyunie."

"Hyunie? A new one?" She teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Continue, please," She said.

"Let's go out tonight," I suggested.

"Tonight?" I nodded.

"Okay, when and where?" She asked.

"8:30, I'll pick you up as always," I responded.

"Sounds like a plan," Dahyun said with a big smile.



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—Tonight is the first snow of the season

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Tonight is the first snow of the season. What a great night to have the first snow day. I picked up Dahyun and said that where I'm taking her is a surprise.

"You can open you eyes now!" I said excitedly as we arrived to our destination.

She opened her eyes slowly but, they widened once she saw where we were.

"Oh my god! A light show?!" She exclaimed. I nodded joyfully.

"I knew you always wanted to attend one so there happens to be one tonight!" I explained. She gasped and hugged me really tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

I giggled as I cupped her cheeks, "You're so cute when you get excited!" I gave her a quick peck.

"Now, come on! We don't want to miss the show!" I nudged. Dahyun giggled as she took her hand in mine. I'm glad to finally see Dahyun happy, after everything that happened.

The light show began. We had our arms connected with each other and Dahyun's head was rested on my shoulder.

"Jagiya~" Dahyun called out. I hummed.

"Look at that, it's beautiful," She pointed out. I turned my head as I looked at her. The lights reflected off of her face, she looked like a goddess.

"Just like you," I simply replied by kissing the tip of her nose. She looked away, trying to hide her blushing. I smiled thinking how cute she is when she's shy.

We enjoyed the rest of the show happy and smiling. Since the show was only thirty minutes, we decided to walk around the town a bit. It was really beautiful at night with all the pretty lights. Not to mention the light snow falling made everything better.

"Jagi?" Dahyun said. I turned around.

"Yes, Dahyunie?" I responded.

She kissed me by surprised. I was shocked but I relaxed shortly after. I wrapped my arms around the nape of her neck and she wrapped her arms around my waist. We released slowly and blushed.

"I love you," She confessed and took my hands, "and I never want to loose you."

My eyes were widened and my mouth formed an "o" shaped. This was the first time she said the phrase. The grip of my touch tightened.

"I love you too, Dahyunie. You will never loose me because I will be right by your side"

To interrupt our moment, my phone started to ring.

Momorin💀🥀 is calling...

"I'll take this, okay?" Dahyun nodded. I walked not too far away from Dahyun and leaned against a wall.


"Ima sugu kaette..." (Come home now)

"What..?" When either of us speaks Japanese, it means big trouble.

"Dahyun ni hidzuke ga owatta koto o tsutaeru" (tell Dahyun that the date is over)

"What the hell is going on, Momo?"

"Shitsumon o shinaide kudasai. Sugu ni kitaku." (Please don't ask questions. Come home immediately)

"O-Okay..." I held my phone against my chest. What's happening?

I walked over to Dahyun, she had a face of concern on her.

"Hey, who was that? What happened?" She asked.

"N-Nothing. Let me drop you off now," I replied.

"Okay, let's go," she said.

We arrived at Dahyun's house. I gave her a five second kiss before departing with her

"Thank you again for the amazing night, babe!" She called out. I grinned at her before blowing a kiss and driving off.

My hands started to sweat and butterflies were having a party in my stomach. What did I do to cause such trouble?

I pulled up onto the driveway and sat there for awhile. I didn't want to get out. The chime of my phone made me jump a little.

Momorin💀🥀: Chū ni haitte kudasai. Suwatte iru no ga mieru. (Please go inside. I can see you sitting)

Great she's even texting in Japanese.

Me: Momo, I'm terrified.

Momorin💀🥀: Watashi wa anata no soba ni imasu. (I am by your side)

I sucked in a deep breath before entering the house. My hand was rested on the door handle, sweating so much. I finally entered the house.

My eyes widened and my face turned pale when I saw who was in front of me. I was presented by my mother and father sitting on the couch, my mom had a neutral but scared face but my father had an angry look. On the other couch, Momo, who's looking scared and nervous, was sitting with.. Joy, who had an devilish grin on her face.

Shit.. what did she do...

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