Chapter Sixteen

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Sana and Dahyun are in the car, sitting in pure silence. Their main focus is on the rain that's being poured down. All the little droplets on the windows having a race with each other to see who can reach the bottom first. They needed some time to think.

"Chaeyoung seriously said that?" Dahyun asked for confirmation. Sana nodded, not breaking her view of the droplets.

"I don't know what's happening, Dahyun. I just feel like my life is plummeting down faster and faster every second. Our friends are getting tired of the shit we get into... it's all too much..." Sana groaned and hid her face in the palm of her hands.

Dahyun started to rub Sana's back for comfort.

"Sana... we can get through this, okay? We just have be strong," Dahyun assured.

"H-How do you know that, Dahyun? How?" Sana's face was puffy due to crying. She didn't even address Dahyun as 'Dahyunie'.


"See, you don't know. Anything could happen to us, at any second,"

"Sana, stop thinking negatively. It won't help our case," Dahyun sighed.

"How could I possibly think positive when there's nothing positive happening to us?" Sana reasoned.

Dahyun didn't know what to say.

"Please, Sana... you sulking doesn't help us here," Dahyun sighed.

"Then what am I supposed to do, Kim Dahyun?!" Sana raised her voice.


"Do you think I'm joking, Dahyun? I'm not. I can't with everyone today! First, my dad was being a total dick, Chaeyoung was being selfish, and now you! I don't know what to do with everyone!"

"Sana, please calm down..."

"No, Dahyun, how could I possibly be calm when everyone's fucking pissing me off today?!"

Dahyun was speechless. She didn't like what was happening and had enough.

"You know what," Dahyun unbuckled her seatbelt, "this doesn't help okay? Us fighting doesn't help one bit,"

"Yeah no shit, Sherlock. What are you doing?"


"What?! Dahyun, it's pouring outside!" Sana exclaimed.

"I don't care, Sana. I can't be in the same car as you if you're just gonna scream and sulk around," Dahyun sighed.

Dahyun opened the door.

"Kim Dahyun, you sit back down! You're going to get soaked and you'll be sick!"

"I'll take that over dealing with your horrible attitude," Dahyun shut the door and began walking in the rain.

Sana sighed, "Ugh, Dahyunie pabo,"

Sana took off her jacket and placed her phone under it. She opened the door and got out.

"Kim Dahyun, come back this instant!" Sana called out.

Dahyun kept walking and pretended that she didn't hear.

Sana groaned and began chasing, "Look, I'm sorry! Is that what you wanted to hear?!"

Dahyun still ignored her and continued to walk. Sana caught up to her. She turned Dahyun around and pinned her to a wall. Dahyun quietly squeaked and looked at Sana with wide eyes.

"L-Let me go..." Dahyun said, trying to get out of Sana's grip.

Sana pulled her in but then pinned her to the wall even harder, "No,"

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