Chapter Seventeen

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"You have two minutes,"

Joy sighed in relief and flashed the two a smile.

"Why did you tell Chaeyoung to say those things?" Sana asked.


"Oh, I know. It's because you're a sick human being that doesn't deserve happiness," Sana added.

"Sana," Dahyun said softly.

Sana sighed before glaring at Joy.

"As I was saying, I've been thinking for the longest time," Joy started out, "That maybe what I did was wrong,"

"What?!" Sana and Dahyun said in unison.

"I'll admit, I did some horrible stuff in the past-"

"You can say that again," Sana mumbled.

Joy groaned, "Will you just let me finish, you little shit?!"

Sana rolled her eyes impatiently.

"And for the past few days, I've been thinking deeply,"

"About...?" Dahyun said.

"About changing. I don't want any conflict between us anymore. I'm willing to change and want nothing but peace," Joy said with confidence.

Sana and Dahyun were staring at Joy with disbelief.

"Nice one, Joy," Sana replied.

"N-No, I'm telling the truth here," Joy said.

There was a silence between the three but, Dahyun decided to break it.

Dahyun sighed, "Are you completely sure you're telling the truth?"


"You truly believe all the horrible nasty shit you did in the past was wrong and you should never ever do it again?"

"I-I do."

"Are you willing to let this all go and never look back?"

"Yes, I will."

"Do you swear?"

"I swear with all of me."

Sana was looking at Dahyun was a confused face. What was Dahyun doing?

"Well then, you may go. Have a good night, Joy," Dahyun sighed.

Joy nodded and flashed them a smile before hopping into her car and driving away.

Dahyun averted her sight to Sana, who was still looking at Dahyun with shock.


"What the hell was that?" Sana asked with a stern look on her face.

"Um, forgiveness...?" Dahyun replied a little confused.

"You're forgiving Joy?! Just like that?! Dahyun, literally five minutes ago we were both horrified about what she did to Chaeyoung!"

"I know. But, what if she really thinks what she did was wrong and foul? Yes, she did stuff I don't ever want to speak of again but who knows. This could be for the better," Dahyun shrugged.

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