Chapter Seven

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"I'm really worried about Dahyun." I said as Momo and I are on our way to Dahyun's house.

"Me too, I wonder what happened between her and Joy." Momo replied.

We arrived at Dahyun's house. Her house is a two-story home and it was really pretty. I knocked on the door and we could see a beautiful Kim Dahyun standing in front of us. We could see everyone else hanging out in the living room behind her.

"Hi guys, welcome to my house." Dahyun greeted. She was living with her mom and has her dog, Ari.

"This is my mom everyone." Dahyun said as her mom waved at us.

"Hi Dahyun's friends, I hope you all are comfortable." Dahyun's mom greeted.

"Of course, thank you for having us." I replied.

"It's no problem, thank you for coming. Dahyun, dear, I'll be upstairs if you need anything." Dahyun's mom said before she headed upstairs.

"Okay, so you guys are probably confused about what happened between Joy and I." Dahyun started off. We all nodded.

"Joy and I were best friends ever since we were really young. We were attached by the hip. She was like a second daughter to my mom and she was always welcomed to my house. When I was younger, I wasn't really the happiest person. My father died in a car crash due to a drunk driver when I was twelve. It wasn't sunshine and rainbows for my mother and I ever since. Joy was the main reason on why I was happy. She would find ways to cheer me up and keep me alive. She didn't want me to take the dark road."

"My mom always trusted Joy with everything. I did, too. She was special to me. But, s-she did something that really made me loose her trust.."

Dahyun's voice was cracking due to tears so I motioned for her to sit on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and wiped her tears.

"It's going to be okay, please don't cry. You don't have to continue on with the story now if you aren't ready." I whispered in her ear. She didn't respond but instead, she just let it all out and sobbed on my shoulder. The other girls circled around and comforted Dahyun. I hate seeing her sad. I hate it, I hate it. What did Joy do that hurt Dahyun this bad?


I decided to lay down on the grass and look up at the dark starry night sky. Stargazing is so relaxing and helps me unwind. I was so concentrated on the stars that I didn't even notice someone walking towards me.

"Mind if I join?" I knew the familiar voice, Kim Dahyun.

"Not at all, Dahyunie. Lay down next to me." I said. As she laid down, I wrapped my right arm around her. She scooted closer to me and rested her head in the crook of my neck.

"Sana, I want to stay like this for eternity." She whispered.

"Me too, Dahyunie. I love this." I replied.

"It's so pretty." Dahyun said as she pointed to the sky. I switched my gaze from the stars to her.

"It sure is." I responded.

"But, you aren't even looking at the stars?"  Dahyun confusingly questioned.

"I am." I said, my eyes still fixed on her.

"Watashi wa anata o totemo aishiteimasu, watashi wa eien ni~" I mentally slapped myself after I registered what I said. I accidentally thought out loud but, in Japanese.

("I love you so much, I will forever" in english)

"Why did you speak Japanese all of a sudden?" Dahyun asked. I just shrugged.

"What did you say?" She asked.

"You're really beautiful, Dahyunie." Heh.. A little white lie won't hurt, right?

"Trust me, you are much much more." Dahyun confessed. I smiled. I decided to sit up to face Dahyun.


"Dahyun-ah? You didn't say Dahyunie oh my god what did I do wrong?" She joked. I giggled.

"D-Do you still like me?"

"Of course I still like you! You're my best friend!" She exclaimed. Agh, pabo Dahyunie.

"That's not really what I meant.." Her expression changed when she realized what I said.

"I... I do. I never stopped." She grabbed my hand.

"W-Well, I realized something." I started off.

"What is it, Sana? You're scaring me." I met with her eyes. Her eyes were deep enough to get lost in.

"I..I'm homosexual."

Her expression remained emotionless. I got scared for a second but then, she took me by surprise and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back.

"I'm so happy for you." She genuinely said and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you, you know you mean so much to me, right?

"I hope so.." She dazed off. She stared at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked. What is she doing?

She leaned in slowly. She stopped when there was just an inch of distance between our faces. I gulped and my heart was about burst out of my chest.


I was cut off by Dahyun's lips. I haven't had a taste of them ever since that special night two months ago. I was nothing without them, I missed them so much. We released slowly and rested our foreheads against each other to catch our breaths.

"Kim Dahyun.." She hummed when she heard her name.

"Will you go on a date with me?" I asked. Her eyes widened and a grin was slowly forming.

"Of course I will. I thought you'd never ask."

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