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Cate's pov:

I slowly open my eyes and I notice that I'm alone. Andrew must be already at work. I have to wake the kids, they have school. I get up and I go to the bathroom to take a quick shower.
I'm wearing only my underwear and I notice, looking through the mirror, that someone is staring at me from the window in front of mine. I try to see better and I recognize her. It's Alison. Why is she staring at me? But maybe I'm just fantasizing about it. I turn around and our eyes met. She's really looking at me! I decide to tease her. I go closer to my window, I smirk and raise my eyebrow. She looks at me surprised and embarrassed at the same time, she pretends that she's looking somethings else and she goes away.
What the fuck has just happened?
What was I thinking?
I dress up and I go wake up the children.

'Kids, are you ready? You can't be late on your first day!' I shout from the kitchen.

They come running downstairs.

'Mum, do we really have to go?' Ignatius asks.

'Yes, it'll be fun. You'll see, everything is going to be okay.' I say trying to reassure them.

'It's not funny to begin a new life, again.' Dashiell says.

'It's hard, I know. But now we're here and we have to adapt to all this.' I say.

'We'll adapt to all this and then we'll move again, like every fucking time.' Dashiell says with a higher voice.

'Hey, language! You must behave well, it's important for your father... for his job. We already talked about it.' I say.

'Yeah, whatever.' Dashiell says.

We get into the car and I take them to school. I come back at home and while I park the car I think about Alison. I look over her house and I see her car. She's at home. I decide to visit her.
As I go closer to her house my heart begins to beat faster. Why does she have this effect on me?
I ring the bell. A few seconds after she opens the door and... there she is. She looks a bit surprised to see me.

'Hey, I was passing by and I decided to pay a visit. Did I disturb you?' I say looking at her and biting my lip.

She looks hot even in her pj's and with messy hair.

'No, don't worry. Come in.' she says smiling and inviting me inside.

'Sorry for the mess, I didn't expect visits.' she says as I go inside.

'No problem, it's okay.' I say looking around the room.

'Do you want something to drink?' she politely asks avoiding to look at me.

'No, I'm fine.' I say.

Maybe she's still embarrassed from what happened this morning?

She invites me to sit on the couch next to her.

'So, how are you?' I ask looking at her.

'I'm fine I guess... I have some work to do but I have lack of concentration.' she says.

'Oh... What work?' I ask.

'An article... I work for The New York Times.' she says.

'Amazing. So, you like writing?' I say.

And she looks at me, finally.
Her eyes... her beautiful eyes.

'I love writing. I have this passion since I was a child. I love my job... Even if sometimes I can't concentrate enough.' she says a bit sarcastic.

'Lack of concentration can happen, don't stress about it too much or it will be worse. You'll find inspiration.' I say giving her a smile.

'I hope so. What about you?' she asks.

'I had an awful morning, but I'll be fine.' I say.

Her eyes are wide open, she's definitely still shocked about what happened.

'I had an argument with my son...' I say trying to reassure her that I'm referring to something else.

She relaxes herself.

'Oh, I'm sorry. May I ask you why?' she says.

'New school, new friends, new life. Again. We keep moving and they're rightly not happy about it.' I say.

'New York is a really big city, but they will be fine. I'm sure about it. I was completely alone when I came here but I managed all this.' she says reassuring me.

'I hope you're right. You know, sometimes I think that maybe I'm not a good mother and I should do more for them.' I say.

'I'm sure that you're an incredible mother.' She says and she gently squeezes my hand.

The touch causes me goosebumps... I feel butterflies in my stomach and I feel a warm sensation throughout my all body.

'Thanks.' I say smiling.

She bites her lip. We look in each other's eyes for a few seconds, I don't know why but I feel a real connection with her. Something really strong.
We notice that we are still holding our hands, so we pull away.

'So, do you live alone?' I ask trying to change subject.

'Yes and no. I mean, I live alone but I have a cat. I don't know where it is.' she says giggling and looking around.

'I love cats.' I say smiling. 'Don't you have a boyfriend?' I ask.

Congratulations, I'm an idiot. Why did I directly ask it?

'No, I'm single.' she says with a little smile.

'What? Impossible. I bet that everyone wants you.' I sarcastically say.

'Actually, nope.' she says laughing but suddenly she becomes serious. 'The truth is that... I'm still recovering from my last relationship.' she says.

'Men can be real assholes.' I say trying to cheer her up.

'Mh... it was a woman.' she says looking down.

'Oh...' I say a bit surprised.

So, she's into women too? Why does it make me feel happy? We can't be together.

'Maybe you met the wrong woman.' I say smirking.

Why do I behave like this? Oh God.

'Yeah, I'm sure that there are incredible women in this world... in this city.' she says looking at me.

Is she referring at me?
Impossible. I'm being real ridiculous now.

The moment is interrupted by her cat that suddenly jumps on the couch.

'There you are.' she says smiling.

'What's your name, little kitten?' I ask caressing the cat.

'Sam.' she says smiling.

She caresses the cat too and our hands touch again. Her fingers intertwine with mine. We look in each other's eyes again. She looks at my lips, I bite my lip and she smiles.

What game are we playing, Alison?

'It's getting late, I have to go.' I say standing up.

Why did I ruin the moment?

'Thanks for passing by.' she says smiling and she walks me to the door.

'Don't thank me, sweetie. And whenever you want my door is always open for you.' I say smiling at her.

'I'll remember it.' she says.

'See you.' I say and I give her a kiss on the cheek.

My action surprises her and she frozes for a second. Then she tries to be as calm as possible and she smiles.
She's so lovely.

'See you soon.' she says.

I open my front door, I can't stop smiling. It was a great idea go to see her. I've never felt a strong connection like the one I feel with her.
It's incredible.
She's incredible.

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